Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Kendra has spent the weekend in a daze thinking about...

Kendra has spent the weekend in a daze thinking about Vance. She’d tried his cell phone over and over again till she felt was being obsessive. It didn’t work because it rang the first time then went voice mail. After that it was just voicemail. She tried to figure out who he’d be staying with but felt that was bringing people into her business. For all she knew he was probably in a hotel or with some friend. Then she decided to text him. She got an instant reply saying he was okay but just needed time to clear his head. She then sent another text asking if the wedding was definitely off. Her fingers shook as she tapped in the letters but she needed to know. Had she been too hard? Too forward? What hard she done to make him quit on her?†¦show more content†¦She tingled at the thought of him and pushed him out of her mind. Maybe this was her test. She wanted a regular average man. Her phone beeped breaking her out of her thoughts. She reached out and read it. It was from Vance. He would be over sometime to collect his things. â€Å"Is everything okay, Kendra?† her boss Jakeem asked. â€Å"Pardon,† she replied her mind miles away on Vance. â€Å"I didn’t get that.† â€Å"I mean is everything okay with you?† Jakeem repeated. He was director the the program foundation Kendra worked for. â€Å"You seem distracted to. Wedding plans going okay?† Kendra nodded not trusting herself to speak. She was still wearing the ring hoping the Vance would come to his senses. She didn’t really know the situation. â€Å"Things are just a bit hectic.† â€Å"I remember when I got married. Me and wife nearly fought everyday arguing over silly wedding things. It can be tough.† At least they were talking to each other Kendra thought. Vance wouldn’t even pick up the phone or leave a voicemail. â€Å"Thanks, it’s just I’m a little overwhelmed.† â€Å"Well I something comes up and I hope you to deal with it.† Jakeem smiled. â€Å"Anyway I just heard through sources that R Barton and Partners might be looking for program management partners to runs a new scheme of their for teenagers. And I want to write a concept idea and proposal so we can put in a bid.† â€Å"But I deal with college interns.† â€Å"I didn’t ask you, Kendra. I’m telling you.† Kendra’s eyes widened in shock at whatShow MoreRelatedDystopian Novels901 Words   |  4 Pagesincluding that of dystopian novels. Dystopian novels, like any other well-written novel, contain a strongly developed protagonist and a mysterious, controlling antagonist. Often, the author labels the government or leader of the corrupt society as the antagonist. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Internet Censorship And The Internet - 941 Words

More than two decades ago, the Internet was yet to be ubiquitous in the homes of the general public around the world. Today, global users of the Internet has surpassed the 3 billion mark, or approximately 45% of the world population, a trend that is not likely to slow down anytime soon (World Internet Users Statistics and 2015 World Population Stats, 2014). The idealistic vision of self-governance of the Internet has proved to be insufficient and threats to the Internet’s core principles are more prevalent than before. The freedom of the Internet has reached a point that the need for a universal set of standards or code of conduct needs to be established or risk losing that freedom to government control in the form of Internet censorship. The arguments for and against Internet censorship are equally important and relevant. That is why it is important to remember that Internet censorship and surveillance is never justified, regardless of the issue it is meant to tackle. The arguments regarding this issue range from social issues, like stopping the distribution of child pornography or regulating gambling websites, to political issues, technological, economic and philosophical reasons as well. The issue of Internet censorship is complex and controversial in nature and is an issue that will not be resolved quickly or easily. Internet censorship will affect all users of the Internet more negatively than positively. Therefore, it is extremely important for all users toShow MoreRelatedCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet985 Words   |  4 Pagesissue of Censorship of the Internet in America has become a trending topic. The internet has been commonly censored to comply with the Digital Millennium Rights Act, but in recent times our government has been requesting more aggressive censorship in order to provide a safer cyberspace. If the American government began to censor the internet, the restriction will result in suppression of freedom of the press, h indering freedom of speech, and reduce the plethora of information on the internet. If AmericaRead MoreCensorship And Censorship Of The Internet1754 Words   |  8 PagesCensorship of the Internet is on the rise in highly populated states today. Although the Internet is considered as one of the most significant tools for the public sphere, many users have decried the Internet’s benefits and seen the Internet as a ‘double-edged sword’. Even as the Internet connects most of the world and gives valuable access to information, the same tool allows access to material that may be considered dangerous or harmful. The recent increase in discussion on the act of censorshipRead MoreThe Internet and Censorship940 Words   |  4 PagesThe internet is a diverse pool of information that anyone nowadays can have access to. One of the more controversial topics that involves the internet, is the censorship of the internet. Internet censorship can be defined as the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published or viewed on the internet. It’s b een hot topic in recent years because many government organizations have been trying to pass many reforms to help push the censorship of the internet, either directly or indirectlyRead MoreThe Censorship Of Internet Censorship3057 Words   |  13 Pages Internet Censorship Student’s Name: Institution Name: Internet Censorship Internet censorship refers to the suppression and control of what people can access, publish, or view on the cyberspace (Reynolds, 2014). It may be done by regimes or private firms at the command of the government. It can be a government’s initiative is or carried out by regulators. Organizations and individuals may practice self-censorship for religious, business or moral reasons to comply with societal normsRead MoreInternet Censorship1799 Words   |  8 PagesTechnologies Used In Internet Censorship and Control Murdoch (2013) opines the Internet as an entity where control is always fought over for by those that use it. He further demystifies the internet, breaking it down to the two protocols that define it. These are the transmission control protocol – TCP- and the Internet Protocol –Ip. It is these protocols that enable the connection of two separate networks to each other. The protocols enable the easy connection of separate networks, without theRead More Internet Censorship Essay - Censoring the Internet740 Words   |  3 PagesCensoring the Internet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   From music to television, censorship has played a major role in how the public is exposed to certain material. Now that our world is entering into a new technology era, the Internet is now in the middle of the censorship issue. Internet access is now one of the fastest ways to communicate with others, obtain information on virtually anything, and purchase items without having to leave your home. As more and more people get connected to this cyber superhighway,Read MoreInternet Censorship And The Internet Hackers1567 Words   |  7 PagesChapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background In our time and with the remarkable progress in the field of Internet, web sites can be considered the purpose and the main target for the Internet hackers. The Internet hackers worked on transfer their attacks from the well-defended network layer to the more accessible Web application layer, since this layer is one of the most important layers because that layer is used on a daily basis by people to manage all daily business such as commercial matters in additionRead MoreThe Importance Of Internet Censorship1378 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Censorship The Internet has become a growing source of entertainment and information over the past years. As more and more people become familiar with the Internet, the potential of its contents grows rapidly, at an uncontrollable rate. With something such as the Internet, which contains virtually an infinite amount of space, more is being added than taken away. Therefore with the growing amount of users, the content grows as well. Different people use the Internet for different things withRead MoreCensorship on the Internet Essay908 Words   |  4 PagesCensorship on the Internet Five years after the first world wide web was launched at the end of 1991, The Internet has become very popular in the United States. Although President Clinton already signed the 1996 Telecommunication ActI on Thursday Feb 8, 1996, the censorship issue on the net still remains unresolved. In fact, censorship in cyberspace is unconscionable and impossible. Trying to censor the Internet its problematic because the net is an international issue, there is no standard forRead MoreInternet Censorship Essay1329 Words   |  6 PagesInternet Censorship Used Around The World Some people wonder who came up with the idea of internet censorship. Other people want to know which countries use it. Some ponder over the idea of what really is internet censorship. Internet censorship is controlling what can be viewed, and which sites can be used on the internet. Some things about internet censorship are countries that use it, and who started the idea of it. There are lots of countries that use internet censorship. A few of them are China

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Notes on Sales and Marketing Free Essays

Create a Marketing Plan A good marketing plan can shape the way you connect to your existing customers and attract new ones. It can also help you determine the types of customers you should target, how to reach them and how to track the results so you learn what works to increase business. If you don’t have a marketing plan, creating one is not difficult. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes on Sales and Marketing or any similar topic only for you Order Now A successful marketing plan doesn’t have to be complex or lengthy, but should contain enough information to help you establish, direct and coordinate your marketing efforts. To help you through the process, we’ve identified five steps to follow. These encompass information gathering before you write your marketing plan, the drafting of the plan itself, and updating the plan after you’ve created it. Along the way we use Margie’s Travel, a new 25-person travel service company, as an example. Step 1: Position your product or services To start your plan, keep in mind the four â€Å"Ps† of marketing: product, price, promotion and place. Your goal is to put the right product or service in front of the right customers, at the right price and at the right time and place. A good way to get started is to answer some basic questions about your business. The following scenario for Step 1 is based on the marketing plan used by Margie’s Travel. †¢| Who are you selling to? Margie’s Travel provides personal travel services to busy working professionals. Based on collected data, the typical clients are homeowners between the ages of 35 and 55, with yearly incomes of more than US$100,000. | †¢| What do those customers need? The target market for Margie’s Travel is affluent working couples with children who want travel plans customised for a family. The company’s goal is to provide convenient, unique and relaxing travel experiences appropriate to each family. | †¢| What distinguishes your product or service from the competition? Margie’s Travel has a competitive advantage in its ability to accommodate families with children of all ages, from putting together fun and entertaining travel packages to making special accommodation travel plans with short or extended notice, flying domestically or internationally. Margie’s Travel also has the advantage of being a home-based business that equires lower overhead and start-up costs than a traditional travel service business. | †¢| Are there marketing tactics that work best for your business? Research indicates that the most effective advertising tool for a service like Margie’s Travel is small display ads in local papers, such as a weekly community newspaper with a paid subscription base of 5,000 to 40,000 readers. Margie’s Travel also places ads in the local boating community newsletter, and sends brochures to larger businesses. By answering these key questions about your business, you can develop a solid foundation on which to build your marketing plan. Step 2: Ask for input from trusted advisors To ensure that you have a clear sense of your own business, it is a valuable practise to gather information from those around you. Set up meetings with trusted friends, staff, advisors and peers, and ask for their input on the following: †¢| Who is your business selling to? | †¢| What do your customers need? | †¢| What distinguishes your products or services from the competition? | †¢| When and how often should you employ marketing efforts? †¢| Where should your company be one year from now? | Getting feedback on these aspects of your business can help you prepare your marketing strategy as well as create targeted materials. Step 3: Ask for input from customers and prospective customers To successfully market to customers, you need to learn how they react to your product, pricing, brand or service — anything related to your business. Ask several of your current and prospective customers what they think about your business, products and services, potential to sell to them, and competitors. You can ask them by e-mail, telephone or marketing postcards. Incentives, such as discounts or samples, can encourage feedback. Step 4: Draft your plan Now that you have feedback and an outline, you can draft your marketing plan. Start by summarising your market position and goals, and define what you expect to accomplish in a specific time period. A typical marketing plan might be organised in the following way: †¢| Market Summary| †¢| Competitive Landscape| †¢| Product Comparison and Positioning| †¢| Communication Strategies| †¢| Launch Strategies| | Packaging and Fulfillment| †¢| Success Metrics| †¢| Marketing Schedule| With a marketing plan in place, you have a structure you can use to help keep your business on track. Step 5: Track your results, update your plan Reviewing your plan every six months helps you determine whether it is producing the results you need. You can easily track your progress with a spreadsheet, where you can also calculat e your marketing costs and compare them with sales and other metrics. You should also update your plan regularly to respond to changing market How to cite Notes on Sales and Marketing, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Level English Literature Essay Example For Students

A Level English Literature Essay This books bases on country aspects. It includes a storyline of a young woman named Fanny robin who goes missing after having an affair with Sergeant Oak. There is much more to it though, Bathsheba recalls to having an affair with the man aswell and generally the misshappenings, which take place, are dealt with and found out.  Thomas hardy makes great use of rural settings and countryside work and activities in writing the opening third of Far From The Madding Crowd. His description of the scenery, atmosphere and people involved is quite the opposite of city life. All the people in the book live in the countryside and have similar jobs. Farmer Oak later on becomes one of Bathshebas shepherds after an agreement between the two of them. Bathsheba arrives in a village in Weatherbury. Here she works the big and rundown farms (her inheritance). Oak admires Bathsheba who is very a good looking and certainly knows it. (Oak describes her as vain when he first set his eyes on her and sees her for the very first time when she was in the wagon, in the first chapter.) She takes charge of the farm and shows who is boss. She is a determined young woman. At Warrens Malthouse a group of village and farmworkers discuss various matters, on one occasion about fanny robin: Bathshebas youngest servant girl reported being missing. The villagers often come together to discuss matters. They are brought together as a group and they talk things through. All the villagers seem pretty friendly towards eachother and arrange some welcome food and drink at the Malthouse. Bathsheba becomes the leader of the Bailiff Pennyways after telling the men who were currently incharge of. Alough Oak did ask Bathsheba to marry him, they still seem to flow a good workmen ship and even friendship between them. Of course Oak wanted more but he possibly couldnt, as she didnt feel the same way for him as he did for her. Liddy and Bathseba seems to get on well. She doesnt seem too brisk with her personal maid, hence her vain attitude and strong opinions. Oak works hard, as having had the life of a farmer beforehand. Country work is hard and many that are involved within it are skillful and get used to the cold weather, mud and disadvantages. From this book we learn the involvement of People and their countryside which is precious to them, which they console within. They work in the countryside, they are used to it and are at home there. It is quite old fashioned, not atall modern and has meaning to it. For people who do not spend a lot of their time in the countryside, this book clearly shows a basic point of living and the general surroundings, elements and community. In the city we dont have to work too hard to get things, but in the country side it is different, even more so at the time this book was written in the eighteenth century. The book has a plot and shows us what is happening behind their lives (e.g. affair etc). Conclusion  This book was indeed a structured country life book. Alough it was slow to start of with at the begging it got better and more interesting. We found out about the character lives and what went round them. As you read on more events take place. So far the storyline is quite flowing and too hard to catch onto. I didnt know weather it would get exceedingly better, but it has.

Friday, November 29, 2019

ABZ Corporation Human Resources Department

Introduction The human resource field has gone through considerable evolution since its inception. The importance of this field in the 21st century cannot be overstated especially with increased competition in the business world. Need to drive up profit margins and retain highly skilled pools of employees have made talent acquisition a top priority for all firms in all businesses.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ABZ Corporation Human Resources Department specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is consensus among HR professionals that recruitment and selection strategies have a long–term impact on the growth and success of a firm (Gatewood et al 2010, p. 90). There are only few fields where companies look for specific talents and skills. In most companies however, human resource departments often recruit potential employees through an elaborate process that more often than not, is tailored along company requ irements. Normally, employers’ major concern is how to land the right employees who will perform optimally to in order to meet both the present and future needs of the company. Nankervis, A. et al defines recruitment as the process through which companies screen and select qualified people for job placement (2009, p. 15). The recruitment and selection process can be classified into two categories, namely external and internal processes. Internal recruitment comes into play when people working in a particular organization are given first priority to apply for vacancy in the organization. Some employers prefer this approach because it is economical in terms of resources and time consumed. External recruitment on the other hand refers to selection and recruitment of candidates outside of the organization. In most cases, candidates normally apply in response to a job advert in any of the media mainly newspapers and the internet (Smith, 2011, p. 78). This discussion will focus on the supposed recruitment process of a typist, market research executive and HRM course faculty to ABZ Corporation. The process that will be developed will be used in hiring the above three professionals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Central to this discussion is a step by step discussion of the involved with the aid of a flow chart and an elaboration of techniques and any other additional materials that may be required. The recruitment process that will be discussed here will apply across the board in ABZ’s recruitment needs safe for a few instances where mild modifications will have to be made to suit individual job positions. In a nutshell, the recruitment procedure for ABZ will entail eight steps that potential job applicants will have to go through. The following illustration shows the plan and a few important details. The main objective of this recruitment and selection procedure is to provide a guideline which will aid human resource managers at ABZ Corporation to ensure the company attracts, selects and retains candidates most suited for the positions available in the firm. The procedure will ensure only methods that guarantee openness, fairness and efficiency are used in the selection process. Additionally, the procedure will detail plans to enable easy access to equal opportunities by candidates as defined in the company’s equal opportunity and fairness policy. Furthermore, it is important to reiterate that it is the responsibility of all HR staff who is involved in this recruitment process to accord fair treatment of all candidates while making objective decisions. As mentioned earlier, this plan outlines the procedures for the recruitment of all positions, internal and external and permanent and fixed term. On that note, the plan will apply in the recruitment of the jobs of a typist, market research executive and HRM course faculty. Besides the above positions, this procedure will also be used in the recruitment of senior management positions of ABZ Corporation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on ABZ Corporation Human Resources Department specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Though the procedure does not detail the benefits that potential recruits will get, it affirms to the Corporation’s existing benefits framework whose main aim is the attraction and retention of highly skilled workers. Fig 1.0 The Recruitment Process Recruitment and selection Process ABZ’s recruitment process includes eight crucial steps namely; vacancy establishment, recruitment planning, short listing of applicants, assessing and selection of candidates, making an offer, induction/orientation, probation and evaluation. Vacancy establishment Before a vacancy is created, there will be a review of whether recruitment of a new person is the most appropriat e solution for the company. The review commences as soon as a vacancy is created through a resignation or through identification for a new position. Availability of a vacancy does not necessarily translate to an automatic vacancy announcement and advertisement. The Human Resources department of ABZ Corporation will be tasked at this stage to offer advice to the company on the most suitable option including redistribution of roles, increase in employee responsibilities, department restructuring, hiring staff on contract basis and exploration of opportunities for secondment.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sometimes, HR can advice the company not to follow the entire procedure probably due to the nature of the job or the duration it is expected to take. Role definition After a review of the need for vacancy is done, human resources will seek to define the roles of the vacancy in readiness for an advertisement. At this level focus is given as to why the job really exists and what the job exactly entails. Precisely, this role definition will shed light on the purposes of the job in relation with the relevant department and the tasks, duties and responsibilities that come along with the job. At this stage, human resources will have a chance to refine the job in relation with the concerned department and to add minor departmental changes. It is important for human resources to make appropriate grading at this stage if the vacancy that is being evaluated is a newly created position. In ABZ’s case however, all the position in contention are already existing positions that will need t o be filled. In preparation for advertisement, a detailed description of the job in two role profile s will have to be submitted to HR. The first profile will clearly define details such as the title, reporting line, grade, location, working hours, the main purpose and the accountabilities of the holder. In another profile, a detailed description of the skills and competencies that the candidate needs to effectively perform his/her job are outlined. It is important to note that the above process will take apply for all the three positions that will be advertised by ABZ Corporation. It is prudent to note that the descriptions in profile two must be measurable from the application form since they will be the basis on which short listing will be done. Other requirements especially knowledge and expertise must meet both company and legal standards on equal access to opportunity. According to Leighton Proctor, 2006, p. 1), vacancy drafters should avoid over description of jobs vacancies as this will likely scare off potential applicants effectively reducing the pool of talent the company will get. Additionally human resources should be clear on terms to avoid ambiguity. For instance use of the word â€Å"good† is relative and different applicants can interpret it in their own ways. Human resources will also include in the advertisement other information where applicable. For instance, whether or not applicants have objections to a background police check and if applicants are willing to give information on any run-in’s they may have made with the law. After the concerned department is done with drafting the vacancy, they will submit a completed file together with a Staffing Authorization Form directly to the human resources department of ABZ Corporation. Human resources department will then refine the job application profile before the advertisement is availed in the in the media targeting potential job applicants. Recruitment Plan Mode of advertisem ent Submission of the Staffing Authorization form to the ABZ human resources department will set in motion plans to work on a recruitment strategy between HR and the concerned department. In this regard, ABZ human resource department will advice on the company and the relevant department of the most effective cost effective plan through which potential candidates will be attracted. On this note, HR will advise if the vacancy is suited for an existing internal staff member. I not, they will explore if internet advertising, external advertising through print press or targeted advertising will be most appropriate. Additionally, HR may consider engaging the services of recruitment firms or recruiting through job fairs. Special emphasis on access to equal opportunity will be made here. Whatever mode of advertising HR will arrive at, there will be efforts to ensure no group is disadvantaged through limited exposure compared to others. Besides the of mode advertisement, HR and the concerne d department will also seek to agree on the mode of assessment of the applications and the selection strategy. The chair of the interview panel that most likely will be the head of the concerned department will decide with the help of his subordinates the assessment stages that participants will go through and the specifics of very stage. ABZ will not put a cap on the number of candidates that will be shortlisted. However, there will be a limit on the number of candidates that the panel can interview in a single day. Though the relevant department will design the assessment methods, input from ABZ HR department will be crucial drafting the methods that will be used in assessing key skills and competencies as laid down in the roles section in step one. Assessments Throughout the corporation’s history, structured interviews, role plays, practical assessments and work simulations, group discussions and presentations have been a part of key evaluations that all potential employee s go through. Additionally, there will be psychometric tests probably at an advanced level of the interview. The concerned department will request through HR for the required resources including interview venues, materials and assessors that will be crucial to successfully carrying out the interviews. It is worth noting that the panel that will be conducting the interviews will be structured according to the Corporation’s recruitment protocols. They include a gender balanced panel, inclusion of a member from a department that is deemed neutral and possible involvement of nominated representatives from outside the department. Besides, all panel members are expected to be familiar with the fair play policies of ABZ Corporation and other codes of ethics. Timescales ABZ Corporation required that the concerned department and the panel agree on the short listing assessments dates and communicate the same to the HR as soon as possible. Company rules require that short-listing should be done at least within five business days and candidates notified as soon as possible after. After all the above has been agreed on, ABZ human resources will activate the job advert through the agreed channels, collect and act on all applications received by the closing date. Applicant short-listing Short-listing using the criteria agreed upon ABZ human resources will forward all the applications including a summary information sheet to the departmental head and the interviewing panel chair who will copy the same to the panel members. The panel will then agree on the date of short-listing when all members will sift through the applications to determine candidates that meet the threshold of the qualification parameters as discussed in the roles section. Both the chair and panel members will participate in short-listing of applicants using the Short-listing form but the chair will be charged with the responsibility of ensuring other members carry out the exercise appropriately. In t he cases where large numbers of applicants meet the qualification criteria, ABZ HR rules require panel members to exercise discretion to decide the desirable criteria that will determine who qualifies and who doesn’t. At this stage ABZ HR rules bar the introduction of a new selection criteria or a modification of the existing one. The role of the chair of the recruitment panel changes at this stage in that he/she makes sure disabled or disadvantaged candidates who meet the qualification criteria get included in the short-list and also candidates who don’t qualify to the short –list get regret letters as soon as possible. ABZ at this stage will abide by its rules to treat all applications and information contained therein with the confidentiality it deserves. Assessment and Selection of Candidates Invitation of short-listed candidates The recruitment panel under the leadership of its chair will issue invitations to shortlisted candidates for an assessment. The in vitations will detail the process, method and the timing of the assessment process, contacts through which the candidate will decline or confirm his/her attendance, clarification if candidate is required to bring a long his/her testimonials, details on the location and if applicable, an expense claim. Interview Assessment During the assessment, the chair of the panel will ensure that all verification is done according to the laid down procedures of ABZ Corporation. Checking of academic qualification will take place at this stage. Based on the information that the applicant filled in the application form, further details are obtained. At this stage, the panel will be expected to come up with detailed clear notes about the candidates and finally candidates will be advised on the best time they are likely to hear from ABZ Corporation. Final selection After the interview assessment process is over the chair of the panel will make produce an assessment report that with the names of the c andidates most suited for the position. This report will act as the basis on which the panel will review each candidate’s performance and suitability based on gathered evidence during the interview. ABZ corporation requires that the decision arrived at must be done son on the basis of objectivity and evidence and free of assumptions and stereotyping. The chair after deliberations with the panel will fill and submit the Interview Assessment Report Form which contains the details of the conclusions the panel made about every candidate. The Offer At this stage, the panel will decide if to make an offer or not. The decision will be arrived at depending on whether the relevant department and Human Resources find common ground on the results of the interviews. At this stage, there is a possibility that there will be many suitable candidates. ABZ’s policy recommends that HR hold rejection letters till the most suited candidate agrees to take the offer. It is important that af ter the offer is taken that all candidates who participated in the interview assessment be notified of the results. Salary determination The concerned department will consult with HR to arrive at an appropriate salary figure that fits the job grade and is commensurate with his/her experience, knowledge level as well as level of understanding of different aspects of the job. The offer will also take into account the candidate’s skills and current remuneration package of he/ she is receiving if working and the comparative salaries that employees with the same roles within the company with similar roles are receiving. At this stage equal pay principles as defined by ABZ’s HR policy will apply to ensure fair and equal treatment of all employees of the organization. Oral offer Soon after the selection and determination of the appropriate salary, the recruitment panel through its chair will make an oral offer to the successful candidate. It is important to note that the offe r at this stage will be provisional which must be backed up later in writing by the HR. efforts will be made by HR and the concerned department to explain to the candidate that the offer will be subject to other mandatory verification and validation of evidence including, education qualification, eligibility to work in the country and criminal record. Paperwork Relevant paperwork will be compiled by the chair of the panel and submitted with Chairperson’s report to HR with the relevant paperwork that was involved throughout the recruitment process including the original application of the candidate, short-listing forms, interview assessment forms. This will be done for purposes of documentation and auditing to ensure laid down human resource procedures are followed and fairness and integrity prevail in the recruitment process. Referees After the recruitment report is forwarded to the HR will engage the required number of references as detailed in the job advertisement. In ABZ Corporation, referees will be required for all the three positions advertised since they will be filled through external recruitment. In all the jobs, advertised by ABZ Corporation, the requirement is that one of the references must be the immediate former employer. This comes in handy when HR is trying to verify the character, work ethic and other personal information of the candidate. It is important to note that the feedback from the referees at this point may set the interview process backwards especially if the feedback is negative. Any of the three candidates receiving negative feedback will may as a matter of policy be subjected to another round of screening. ABZ HR professionals are well trained and will be able to detect if information given by references is accurate or not. Employment Contract and Relevant Documentation At this stage, HR will avail to the successful candidate an employment contract with other relevant documentation including the pre-employment questionnair e form and code of conduct and ethics manual. Orientation/Induction HR and the relevant department will ensure the newly employed staff member is familiarized with the goings-on in the organization and the department. The HR and/or head of department will clearly explain their roles to the staff member pending further training on the job. Probationary Period All three newly hired staff will be put through a three month probationary period as the ABZ human resources rules stipulate. The probationary period for HR department recruits is sometimes longer. All the details concerning probation and confirmation will be outlined in the formal contract letter that will be issued in the step above. Though the letter will not contain information of the evaluation approach, the three new staff members will undergo evaluation to determine their suitability to be given long-term permanent contracts. Evaluation.  Performance Indicators Human resources department in collaboration with the concer ned three departments will monitor and the work progress of the new staff member. The ABZ human resources rules detail the evaluation procedure to be used during the probationary period against predetermined performance indicators mainly designed by the concerned departments. Conclusion The above process is a lengthy one and as said earlier, it may not be followed on the advice human resources department. The process may be shortened in cases requiring urgent filling of a vacancy and where the required recruit will be serving on interim basis. It is important to note that the recruitment process above will apply to three departments in ABZ Corporation and each department will go through the process as explained above. Additionally, it is worth noting that one of the departments recruiting is HR. In cases where HR is recruiting, the procedure is followed and sometimes a neutral department – normally audit- may be invited to play an observation role to ensure the process is gen uine and transparent. All the recruitment processes for the three positions will not necessarily take place at the same time. Sometimes, there may be a less than expected response from the potential job applicants and HR and the concerned departments may have to re advertise the position again. In such cases, the departments that will meet the threshold will proceed to conduct the selection process in accordance with existing HR policies. More often, HR processes are smooth and rarely do hiccups characterize the process. However, there are instances in which the process may be disrupted by unforeseen events. In such cases, there are laid down guidelines on how to suspend the process and appropriate notification given to the concerned parties especially the candidates. Many a times, many organizations don’t return feedback to potential job applicants normally because of overwhelming response. However, it is in accordance with standard HR ethic that candidates are notified of t heir failure or success of their applications. ABZ Corporation’s recruitment detailed above gives enough provisions for the notification of potential candidate on the status of their applications. Perhaps not included in the process above are the grounds on dismissal of a staff member. In the contract offer stage, a potential employee is given a letter of appointment which details the ground for dismissal. Like many organizations, ABZ’s HR department can dismiss any of the newly hired three staff members or any other on the basis of gross misconduct, criminal proceedings or any other misbehavior whose seriousness will be determined by the department. However, it is important to reiterate that HR will give fair hearing to any employee who may be suspected of engaging in behavior that contravenes laid down HR rules. In a nutshell, the above process is expected to help the company the best employees fit for the positions available for the growth and achievement of long-te rm prospects. References Gatewood, R. et al (2010). Human Resource Selection. New York: Thomson Learning. Leighton, P. Proctor, G. (2006). Effective recruitment: a practical guide to staying within the law. Chicago: Springer. Nankervis, A. et al (2009). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices. New York: Cengage Learning. Smith, J. (2011). Planning the Recruitment Process – What You Need to Know: Definitions, Best Practices Benefits and Solutions. London: Sage Publications. This essay on ABZ Corporation Human Resources Department was written and submitted by user Davis Livingston to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Profile of Serial Killer Derrick Todd Lee

Profile of Serial Killer Derrick Todd Lee Derrick Todd Lee, also known as the Baton Rouge Serial Killer, prowled communities of south Louisiana for years before his capture and eventual conviction in two of at least seven cases of rape and murder of women in 2002 and 2003. Childhood Years Derrick Todd Lee was born on November 5, 1968, in St. Francisville, Louisiana to Samuel Ruth and Florence Lee. Samuel Ruth left Florence soon after Derrick was born. For Florence and the children, having Ruth out of the picture was good. He suffered from mental illness and eventually ended up in a mental institution after being charged with attempted murder of his ex-wife. Florence later married Coleman Barrow who was a responsible man that raised Derrick and his sisters as if they were his own children. Together they taught their children the importance of education and to follow the teachings of the Bible. Lee grew up like many children in small towns around south Louisiana. His neighbors and play pals were mostly from his extended family. His interest in school was limited to playing in the school band. Lee struggled academically, often being outshined by his younger sister who was a year younger than him  but advanced in school faster. His IQ, ranging from below 70 to 75, made it challenging for him to maintain his grades. By the time Lee turned 11 he had been caught peeping into the windows of girls in his neighborhood, something he continued to do as an adult. He also had a liking for torturing dogs and cats. Teenage Years At the age of 13, Lee was arrested for simple burglary. He was already known to the local police because of his voyeurism, but it wasnt until he was 16 that his anger issues got him in real trouble. He pulled a knife on a boy during a fight. Charged with attempted second-degree murder, Lees rap sheet was slowing beginning to fill up. At age 17 Lee was arrested for being a Peeping Tom, but even though he was a high school drop out with multiple complaints and arrests, he managed to stay out of going to a juvenile detention home. Marriage In 1988 Lee met and married Jacqueline Denise Sims and the couple had two children, a boy named after his father Derrick Todd Lee, Jr. and in 1992 a girl, Dorris Lee. Soon after their marriage, Lee pled guilty to unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling. Over the next few years, he drifted in and out of two worlds. In one world, he was the responsible father who worked hard at his construction job and took his family on weekend outings. In the other world, he cruised the local bars, dressed in dapper attire and spent time drinking and having extramarital affairs with women. Jacqueline knew about his infidelity, but she was devoted to Lee. She also became used to his being arrested. The times he spent in prison became almost as a welcomed relief compared to the volatile atmosphere he created when he was at home. Money Creates More Problems In 1996 Jacquelines father was killed in a plant explosion and she was awarded a quarter of a million dollars. With the financial boost, Lee was now able to dress better, buy cars, and spend more money on his girlfriend Casandra Green. But the money was spent as quickly as it came in, and by 1999 Lee was back to living off of his earned wages- except now he had another mouth to feed. Casandra had given birth to their son who they named Dedrick Lee in July of the same year. Collette Walker In June 1999, Collette Walker, 36, of St. Francisville, La., filed stalking charges against Lee after he muscled his way into her apartment, trying to convince her that the two should date. She did not know him and managed to ease him out of her apartment. He left her with his phone number and suggested that she give him a call. Days later a friend who lived close to Collette asked her about Lee who she had seen lurking around her apartment. On another occasion, Collette caught him peeping into her window and called the  police. Even with his history of being a Peeping Tom and various other arrests, Lee did very little time for the charges of stalking and unlawful entry. In a plea bargain, Lee pled guilty and received probation. Against the directions of the court he again went looking for Collette, but smartly she had moved. A Lost Opportunity Life was becoming stressful for Lee. The money was gone and finances were tight. He was arguing with Casandra a lot, and in February 2000 the fighting escalated to violence. She started the proceedings to get a protective order prohibiting Lee from getting near her. Three days later he caught up with her in a bar parking lot and violently assaulted her. Casandra pressed charges, and his probation was revoked. He spent the following year in prison until his release in February 2001. He was placed under house arrest and was required to wear monitoring equipment. In May he was found guilty of violating the terms of his parole by removing the equipment. Instead of having his probation revoked, he was given a legal slap on the hand and not returned to prison. Once again the opportunity to remove Derrick Todd Lee from society was lost, a decision that likely haunts those who made it. Third Side of Derrick Todd Lee When Derrick Todd Lee committed his first or last rape and murder of an unsuspecting woman is unknown. What is known is that in 1993 he allegedly attacked two teens who were necking in a parked car. Equipped with a six-foot harvesting tool, he was accused of hacking away at the couple, only stopping and fleeing as another car approached. The couple survived and six years later, the girl, Michelle Chapman, picked Lee out of a lineup as her attacker. Lees raping and killing spree would last another 10 years, with DNA evidence eventually linking him to seven victims who suffered from his vicious attacks. Victims of Derrick Todd Lee April 2, 1993 - A teenaged couple were parked in an isolated area when they were attacked by a large man who hacked at them with a six-foot harvesting tool. Both survived and the girl, Michelle Chapman, identified Derrick Todd Lee as the attacker in a police line-up in 1998. Other victims include: April 18, 1998 - Randi Merrier 28September 24, 2001 - Gina Wilson Green, 41January 14, 2002 - Geralyn DeSoto, 21May 31, 2002 - Charlotte Murray Pace, 21July 9, 2002 - Diane AlexanderJuly 12, 2002 - Pamela Kinamore, 44November 21, 2002 - Dene Colomb, 23March 3, 2003 - Carrie Lynn Yoder Visit the victims of Derrick Todd Lee page for more information about how the victims lived and how they died. Possible Victims August 23, 1992 - Connie Warner of Zachary, LA. was bludgeoned to death with a hammer. Her body was found on Sept. 2, near the Capital Lakes in Baton Rouge, La. So far no evidence has linked Lee to her murder. June 13, 1997 - Eugenie Boisfontaine lived on Stanford Ave., near the Louisiana State University campus when she was murdered. Her body was discovered nine months later under a tire along the edge of Bayou Manchac. There has been no evidence linking Lee to the murder. Too Many Murders and Serial Killers Investigations into the several unsolved murder cases of women in Baton Rouge was going nowhere. There are many reasons why Derrick Todd Lee, who is somewhat mentally challenged, managed to avoid getting caught. Here are just a few: Derrick Todd Lee stayed on the move. In the 10 years it is known that he committed rape and murder, he was also constantly changing jobs, moving to different cities in south Louisiana and doing time in and out of prison. It was not until he focused on areas around LSU and left the bodies of two of his victims at a boat launch at Whiskey Bay that investigators moved from solving murders to looking for a serial killer.Communications among detectives from one city to another were rare and Lee jumped from one parish to another to strike and kill.From 1991 to 2001 there were 53 unsolved murders of women in Baton Rouge. The women came from all different backgrounds and ethnicities, as did the way that they died. The city was on high alert and the government was on the hot seat.In August 2002 the Baton Rouge area Multi-Agency Task Force was formed and communications between parish detectives broadened. But instead of catching a killer, the task force ended up having more murders to solve. For the next two years, 18 more women were found dead and the only leads police had headed them in the wrong direction. What investigators did not know at the time, or did not tell the public is that there were two, maybe three serial killers responsible for many of the murders. Racial Profiling When it came to discovering and capturing Derrick Todd Lee, serial killer profiling did not work. He was black and most serial killers are white males.Most serial killers pick victims of their own race. Lee killed both black and white women.Most serial killers use the method of killing like a signature so that they receive credit for the kill. Lee used different methods. Lee did do one thing that fit the profile of a serial killer- he kept trinkets from his victims. In 2002 a composite sketch of the suspected serial killer was released to the public. The picture was of a white male with a long nose, long face, and long hair. As soon as the picture was released the task force became inundated with phone calls and the investigation became bogged down on following up on tips. It was not until May 23, 2003, the Baton Rouge area Multi-Agency Task Force released a sketch of a man wanted for questioning about attacks on a woman in St. Martin Parish. He was described as a clean-cut, light-skinned black male with short brown hair and brown eyes. It was said that he was probably in his late 20s or early 30s. Finally, the investigation was on track. Around the same time as the new sketch was released, DNA was being collected in parishes where there were unsolved murders of women. At the time Lee was living in West Feliciana Parish and was asked to give a swab. Not only did his criminal history interest investigators, but so did his appearance, which resembled the newly distributed composite sketch. Investigators asked for a rush job on Lees DNA, and they had their answer within a few weeks. Lees DNA matched samples taken from Yoder, Green, Pace, Kinamore, and Colomb. Lee and his family fled Louisiana on the same day that he volunteered his DNA. He was caught in Atlanta and returned to Louisiana a day after his arrest warrant was issued. In August 2004 he was found guilty of murder in the second degree of Geralyn DeSoto and was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. In October 2004 Lee was found guilty of the rape and murder of Charlotte Murray Pace and was sentenced to death by lethal injection. In 2008, the Louisiana Supreme Court upheld his conviction and the sentence of death. Lee was awaiting execution on death row at the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, Louisiana. At age 47, Derrick Todd Lee was transferred to  the Lane Memorial Hospital in Zachary,  Louisiana,  from death row for emergency treatment and died on January 21, 2016.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Branding britian Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Branding britian - Research Paper Example The IMC dimensions in the video advert on Great Britain include the voice, the interactions as well as the lucrative nature of the long term relationships formed. Also included is the exploration of the highlight using the IMC Development theoretical model. This involves looking at the orientation of the brand, the promotion, the end results of the brand, as well as the financial end results (Moriarty, 2012). For instance, our report talks about the sounds of Britain that have been known to define the tourism sector greatly. Such include the ticking of the clock, the mixing of tea and coffee, the passing of trains and cars, ringing of bells and cheering of games by fans. Using one voice means bringing together the marketing objectives with only the intention of directing the audience towards the objective of the promotion. According to (Moriarty, 2012), having one voice is very crucial, and it means that the communication instruments used have been able to convey clear ideas to its audience. The written texts displayed coincide with the pictures provided. The graphics, for instance, at the beginning of the video whereby there is a display of the Great Britain airports with visitors checking in balances with the simultaneous written message about the increase in visitor spending. This is seen during the first 20 seconds into the video, in which there is a narration of a story of a boy who travelled to a faraway place, but there is no link provided between this and the overall marketing objective. This is the same for the mention of the land rover defender, halfway into the video without mention of its relevance. On the other hand, having the intervie ws towards the end of the video has successfully avoided overloading the audience with information. Interactivity improves communication as part of marketing by making it possible for the audience

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporate governance in the uk Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Corporate governance in the uk - Coursework Example Economists have pointed out that banking sector failure in the UK was triggered by a chain of actions; for example, corporate governance malpractices like above average remuneration package for directors, lack of shareholders’ engagement, increase in transient ownership, absence of risk measurement mechanisms and misrepresentation of financial performance of the firm have contributed significantly to sub-prime mortgage crisis in the USA which was followed by a global financial crisis in 2008. The global financial crisis caused systematic risks for the UK banks which were linked with the USA and other global financial market. Northern Rock bank was the first victim of banking crisis in the UK, overreliance on wholesale funding and lack of regulatory control were the reasons behind the failure of Northern Rock bank. Industry analysts have pointed out that, the UK banking sector crisis was triggered by four types of corporate governance failures, such as inefficient risk management, above average remuneration for top level executives, lack of shareholder engagement and lack of board qualification. Next section will discuss the contribution of these four issues to the financial crisis in the UK. Managing risk is an essential part of corporate governance policy of banks in the UK. Investors and shareholders decide on the investment strategy on the basis of the level of risk associated with a particular investment decision. Research scholars have proposed recommendations, in the form of Cadbury report, Greenbury report and Turnbul report, in order to address the risk management issues related to corporate governance policy of companies in the UK. Combined code and Basel II agreements were the guiding criteria for banks to formulate risk management strategies but these guidelines were not sufficient for them to avoid financial crisis which resulted from sovereign debt crisis. Although

Monday, November 18, 2019

In Piazza San Domenico by Steve Galluccio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

In Piazza San Domenico by Steve Galluccio - Essay Example The play is celebrated as a romantic comedy inspired by 'Feydeau, Goldoni and Sophia Loren,' and "it bears the mark of all three, with a dash of trademark Galluccio smut thrown in just to remind us that it's a modern-day spoof of the past." (Donnelly) Therefore, the play In Piazza San Domenico by Steve Galluccio attracts large number of audience, including me, and the play deviates from the ordinary plays within the world of theatre through the presentation of the days passed by with a satirical note. One of the most cheery and thoroughly entertaining comedies of love, lust and misunderstandings, In Piazza San Domenico was set in a burning hot August in Naples in 1952 and the main plot of the play centers on a series of misunderstandings which lead young Carmelina Benevento to believe that her fianc Guido is cheating on her with the town tramp Mafalda. When Carmelina unexpectedly faints upon hearing some bad news about Guido, there is a series of striking findings between people which provoke gossip and the series of misunderstandings run through the plot of the play.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Behaviours in English as a Second Language Learner

Behaviours in English as a Second Language Learner Hamayan et al. (2013) emphasize the importance of describing in details the actual behaviors displayed by ELL students before diagnosing and drawing conclusions about the causes of the ELLs difficulties and academic weaknesses. The authors contend that the first step of the ECOS diversity framework that needs to be taken, is to describe students observable behavior as specifically as possible without attributing the behavior to a specific cause (p. 36). This requires collecting work samples and sufficient accurate data, instead of drawing generalized statements based on the teachers perceptions or assumptions about a child. The authors explain that the language difficulties that ELLs experience are embedded in the process of learning English, and they are similar to the difficulties demonstrated by students with diagnosed learning disabilities, for example, forgetting words, language disfluencies, difficulty following oral directions, or distraction in an academic English setting. Wh en garnering the data, educators should obtain this information across different times, settings, and by different methods so that it can be examined, compared and contrasted. Another step of the process of the ECOS diversity framework is to explain the observed behaviors through the lenses of any of the seven integral factors described on page 44. Hamayan et al. (2013) explain that finding explanations for ELLs less than optimal performance in school begins by considering the seven extrinsic factors during the explanatory phase of the process before assuming the existence of intrinsic causes due to a disability (p. 44). Discussing possible explanations will be beneficial to not only members of the ECOS team, but first and foremost to the ELL student. During exploring diverse explanations educators learn from one another about different perspectives, cultural experiences, and areas of expertise. They also have an opportunity to clarify what they mean when using certain words or expressions. Finally, the explanation process may result in findings which will not affect future ELLs placement negatively. It is important to know that even though the disability is present, an ELL should still be supported with ELL services which will meet his/her language needs and maximize the academic achievement. Determining if an ELL students struggles with academic learning are due to language acquisition or a learning disability may be without doubt a challenging task requiring the experience, knowledge about the world, cultural awareness, and professional expertise. Most assessments of ELLs are done mainly in English, therefore the results may be interpreted incorrectly. Moreover, limiting a student to using only one language will hinder a more accurate picture of ELL skills and abilities. Educators seem to have a tendency to rather choose a disability than identify their own bias, lack of knowledge, or procedural errors. There are also many misconceptions about bilingualism, which affect the decisions made about the ELLs. Therefore, it is critical that educators understand the process of the second language acquisition, as well as are able to recognize possible characteristics associated with students with learning disabilities. They should also ask themselves if an ELLs culture may be t he possible explanation for the specific difficulties. In fact, there may be multiple possible reasons for students to exhibit a specific behavior. It truly takes a great amount of knowledge, understanding, humility and sensitivity to cease to guard against this tendency for intrinsic explanations, and stretch ones thinking in order to better serve English language learners. I truly like Hamayan et al. (2013) text because it provides concrete examples of probing questions, potential challenges that ELLs may demonstrate as well as possible explanations from different perspectives for typical language and academic difficulties experienced by ELLs. The article is an eye-opener, and it lays the foundations to how deep and extensive the process of diagnosing should be. I am certain, I will reach for this text, or even will buy a book in order to help me become a more reflective, better practitioner. The more knowledgeable I will become, the more successful my students will be. References Hamayan, Marler, Sanchez-Lopez, Damico (2013), Describing Before Diagnosing: Observation of Specific Behaviors That ELLs May Exhibit, Chapter 3 of Special Education Considerations for English language Learners. Philadelphia, PA: Carlson Publishing.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds Essay -- Papers Analysis Sharon Olds

Sex Without Love by Sharon Olds 'Sex Without Love,' by Sharon Olds passionately described the author's disgust for casual sex in which she vividly animates the immorality of lustful sex through the variety of her language. The sarcasm used in this selection can easily be misunderstood and quite confusing if the words and lines are not analyzed with specific construction. Olds' clever use of imagery and frequent uses of similes, to make the reader imagine actual events, makes this poem come to life. For example, Olds describes making love as 'Beautiful as dancers.' (Line #2) in this line, she questions how one can do such a beautiful act with a person whom one is not in love with. Olds also describes sex as 'gliding over each other like ice skaters over the ice.' While these lines may sound enticing, one may have to read in between the lines to determine that she is imaging sex as a performance. (Line #3, #4) By imagining an ice skating performance one can quickly conclude that each ice skater is performing for a nu mber of judges and an audience to attain an award. Olds uses thi...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Crime Diversion Programs and Prevention of Juvenile Crime Essay

We may think that all convicted individuals should spend some time, or in some cases, a substantial amount of time behind bars for the crimes that they have committed. It is true that under the current scheme of the law, people who have transgressed against the statutes that the society has set must stand before the judgment of the bar of law and if found guilty, pay restitution for their acts. But there is another way that these individuals can pay for their transgressions and not have to go in jail, what with the congested prison system currently plaguing penal facilities. Crime Diversion programs In the light of congested facilities in the penal system, several initiatives have taken root in the justice system designed to abet the instances of individuals from getting incarcerated for what the justice system calls non-violent or petty crimes. In California, several policy-making groups have endorsed ballot proposals that intend to address the situation of criminals committing these types of offenses to pay restitution for their crimes and for the society to satisfy the need for retribution for the transgressions that they have committed. Diversion Programs: what are they in the first place? These are intended to aid some offenders to defeat their habits (Gorelick Law Offices). In this regard, it is the desired goal that giving counsel to the offender in lieu of just incarcerating him/her (Gorelick). It was observed that the former instead of the latter mode of dealing with criminals are achieving greater rates of success (Gorelick). In this context, the offender is allowed to use the resources available to be able to sort out his/her problems (Gorelick). Proposition 36 In the late part of 2000, the voting public in the Big Bear state enacted a ballot proposal that would mandate certain individuals convicted of drug-related crimes to enter drug rehabilitation programs instead of incarceration (Allison Colker, 2004). The California Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act, or simply Proposition 36, is not the pioneering law that seeks to mandate rehabilitation instead of incarceration for those convicted of drug related crimes (Colker, 2004). But the Proposition has gained nationwide notice for the innovative and some times debatable provisions (Colker, 2004). Many supporters of the initiative view the controversial policy as a pragmatic approach to the problem of crime and drug addiction (Colker, 2004). But there is opposition to the new statute that argues that the proposition is a callow solution to a very multifarious problem (Colker, 2004). In the context of Proposition 36, people who are convicted users of illegal narcotics are asked to enter treatment programs as a provision in their probation programs (Gorelick). Individuals who are drug users but have not convicted of violent offenses and those that have been caught twice for the simple offense of drug use are eligible for the diversion program (Gorelick). In a research study conducted by the California Legislative Analysts Office, it stated that the Proposition will have substantial ramifications both for state and local authorities (Colker, 2004). In the report, it is estimated that 24,000 people incarcerated for non violent illegal narcotics possession will be stationed in community based rehabilitation programs instead of languishing in state penal facilities (Colker, 2004). Penal Code 1000 In this program, individuals who are convicted of drug related cases must attend a four month long seminar once a week (Gorelick). If the offender fulfills all the requirements in the program, then the criminal record of the individual will be expunged (Gorelick). This condition is pursuant that the offender is not accosted and is legally charged within a period of one and half years (Gorelick). In the operation of Proposition 36, the conviction and the criminal record of the offender will be removed (Wallin and Klarich). In the Penal 1000 ambit, the record will stay with the defendant until completion of the program and probation period (Wallin and Klarich). Crime Diversion and Juvenile Crime As the term connotes, juvenile crime diversion programs are formulated to arrest the trend of juveniles committing more grievous offenses in the future (County of San Diego). While many programs vary in the composition and programs they espouse, several similarities are found in each of the programs (San Diego). If the juvenile is arrested, the arresting authority, embodied by the police or law enforcement official, can refer the juvenile offender to a diversion program instead of incarceration (San Diego). If the juvenile offender meets the criteria set for referral, then a Juvenile Diversion Specialist will take over the disposition of the case from the police, and can recommend to the parents and the offender courses of action that the JDS will take (San Diego). Many large cities have incorporated the efforts of strict law enforcement with the option for treatment (Little Hoover Commission). In their studies and experience, the rates of crime have significantly decreased in the adoption of preventive measures in the lowering of instances of crimes instigated by youths (Hoover). These programs have been proven to be cost effective if these programs are focused on the families of the risk sector of the children (Hoover). California has given valuable input by allocating resources in the way of prevention initiatives in the education establishment, law enforcement and the support for community based programs (Hoover). It is here that a greater understanding on the factors of crime causation (Hoover). At present, the factors behind why crimes are committed and its prevention (Hoover). Research has allowed the viewing of factors in the causation of crime and the attendant factors behind them (Hoover). It is also seen in the past years that prevention programs and their effectiveness have been measures using scientific techniques and processes (Hoover). Communities with the assistance of state authorities have been able to formulate programs that are designed to prevent crime from juvenile individuals (Hoover). References Colker, A. C. (2004). California’s proposition 36 and other state diversion `programs: moving drug offenders out of prison and into treatment. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www. ncsl. org/programs/health/capropib. htm County of San Diego. (n. d. ). Juvenile diversion. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www. co. san-diego. ca. us/grandjury/reports/2003_2004/JuvenileDiversion. pdf Gorelick Law Offices. (n. d. ). Diversion programs in Conta Costra and Alameda County. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www. gorelick-law. com/Criminal_Defense/Diversion_Programs. aspx Little Hoover Commission. (n. d. ). The opportunity of this generation. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www. lhc. ca. gov/lhcdir/159/finding2. pdf Wallin and Klarich. (n. d. ). California drug diversion program under Penal Code 1000 minimizes collateral damage. Retrieved March 16, 2009, from http://www. southerncaliforniadefenseblog. com/2009/03/california_drug_diversion_prog. html

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Developments In Direct Reduced Iron

Developments In Direct Reduced Iron ( DRI )Direct reduced Fe ( DRI ) is produced through the solid province decrease of Fe oxides derived from Fe ore or electric discharge furnace ( EAF ) mulcts for the usage as a virgin Fe beginning in the EAF or basic O furnace ( BOF ) processes. Virgin Fe beginnings are needed in the EAF procedure to thin the remainders ( Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, or Va ) nowadays from old steel doing operations in the bit steel used as the primary natural stuff used in the EAF. DRI is produced in many different procedures utilizing several different fuels and different provender stocks. The DRI processes use several reaction vass including shaft furnaces, rotary fireplace furnaces, fluidized bed reactors, traveling bed reactors, and rotary kilns. The fuels used in the procedures are chiefly coal or natural gas, these fuels are used to make a reduction ambiance and elevated temperature to make a more favourable reaction. The quality of the DRI is measured by the sum of meta llic Fe ( Fe or Fe3C ) is present in the merchandise. This figure is called metallization and is reported in a per centum of the entire mass of the merchandise. The merchandises of the DRI procedures are either pelletized into DRI or briquetted into hot briquetted Fe ( HBI ) . The decrease of the Fe ore or EAF mulcts takes topographic point in several reactions that cut down the Fe oxides to metallic Fe ( eq. 1 and 2 ) . The reduction gases are produced by burning natural gas or a C beginning so adding the heated burning merchandises to the reaction vass. Fe2O3 + 3H2 ( g ) > 2Fe + 3H2O ( combining weight. 1 ) Fe2O3 + 3CO ( g ) > 2Fe + 3CO2 ( combining weight. 2 ) Hydrogen and C monoxide are formed from burning natural gas, while merely C monoxide is formed when coal or coke is combusted. The difference between the procedures is how the provender stock is exposed to the burning gases. The most common type of reaction vas is the shaft furnace where the provender stock is fed into the top of the furnace so dropped through the vas to be exposed to the reduction gasses so extracted from the underside of the furnace. The conceiver of utilizing the shaft furnace for DRI production is the Midrex corporation and is known as the Midrex Process. The Midrex procedure uses a Reformed natural gas as the decrease gas and requires the usage of pelletized Fe ore as a provender stock. The natural gas is combusted in a reforming vas so fed into the shaft furnace where it is assorted with extra natural gas and O to make some more chemical energy for the procedure ( figure 1 ) . The fluke gas is so fed through a station burning chamber and the energy extracted from station burning is used to preheat the provender gas. This gas is so fed to a bag house where it is scrubbed before being reintroduced to the ambiance. This procedure creates chiefly DRI pellets due to the provender stock being pelletized Fe ore and at that place non being a demand to alter the geometry through briquetting. A mistake of the Midrex procedure is its dependance on pelletized ore. The procedure requires the provender stock to incorporate no more than 3 % mulcts. The DRI pellets produced have a high metallization of 95 % on norm, doing it the highest quality DRI. The usage of the station burning allows the Midrex procedure to derive the bulk of the available energy and is what has made it favourable for the bulk of world-wide DRI production A faster production method and 1 that has more flexibleness than the shaft furnace is the rotary fireplace furnace or the Fastmet procedure. The rotary fireplace furnace is a uninterrupted operation that feeds stuff into a revolving furnace that passes the stuff through the reduction atmosphere so removes the stuff near when it completes the full rotary motion ( figure 2 ) . Unlike the Midrex procedure the Fastmet procedure uses mulcts as a feedstock. This allows for the recycling of EAF mulcts and mill dust that would be otherwise disposed of as a risky stuff. The Fastmet procedure uses a C cut downing agent and O burners. The C can be from legion beginnings such as coal, C bearing wastes, and coke. The procedure is seldom run utilizing coke due to the high cost of the coke and the procedure being capable of running on lower quality C mixes. The procedure requires a pelletizing or a briquetting operation due to the provender stock being mulcts. The full procedure requires between si x and twelve proceedingss to finish. The rotary fireplace furnaces produce a direct reduced Fe with a metallization runing from 85-92 % depending on the quality of the provender stock. Fluidized bed reactors are a batch reactor that introduces the stuff into the reactor so the reduction gasses are fed into the underside of the vas with adequate force per unit area to drift the provender stuff. This natation of the provender stuff allows for all of the surface country of the stuff to be exposed to the reduction gasses. There are several signifiers of fluidized bed reactors being used in the market today. The difference between the reacting vass is the figure of responding vass and the type of fuel used to making the reduction gases. The first type of fluid bed reactor is the Finmet procedure using Fe ore mulcts or EAF dust as a provender stuff and natural gas as a cut downing fuel. This procedure uses up to a four phase reactor with the progressive phases utilizing a higher gas speed and a lower reaction clip to derive between 91 % and 93 % metallization ( figure 3 ) . The Finmet procedure requires a briquetting operation because the provender stock is mulcts but be cause of necessitating a high pureness natural gas fuel it produces a really low residuary HBI. The following two procedures, Circofer and Circored, both feature a two phase fluidized bed reactor with the first phase being a short keeping clip vas with a high gas speed and the 2nd phase a long keeping clip with a low gas speed ( figure 4 ) . The difference between the two is that the Circofer procedure uses metallurgical coal for a fuel while the Circored procedure uses natural gas. Both of these reach an mean 92 % metallization and provender pellets. Hsysla steel developed a traveling bed reactor to make DRI ( figure 5 ) . The Hyl procedure provenders lump Fe into the procedure and a high H content reformed natural gas. The high H is created by reforming with a nickle-based accelerator. The Hyl procedure uses an elevated temperature and force per unit area to increase the processing clip for the reactions. The high H and the elevated temperature and force per unit area create a high quality DRI with 93 % mean metallization. The concluding reactor vas is the Allis Chalmers controlled Atmosphere Reactor ( ACCAR ) . The ACCAR uses a counter flow rotary kiln. The rotary kiln procedure uses a low quality but extremely reactive coal to make cut downing gasses ( figure 6 ) . The rotary kiln produces a DRI with a 92 % metallization. The responding vas does non use any of the station burning in the procedure but station burning vass have been added to the procedure to make adequate energy to power the full installation and add some back to the grid. With DRI being produced in many different treating methods there are some cardinal characteristics that set some appart from the others. The rotary kiln, shaft furnace, and the traveling bed reactor vass produce the highest metallization. The rotary fireplace furnace has the fastest procedure clip. The most popular on the market right now is the Midrex shaft furnace with about 60 % of the market portion of DRI production ( table 1 ) . DRI is a stuff that EAF operations have come to depend on and will go on to increase usage due to the high cost of hog Fe and the continued recycling of bit steel.Table 1 ) Comparative sum-up of procedures as of 2008World Production Reactor Feed Type Reducing agent Average metallization Merchandises ACCAR 24.0 % Rotary Kiln pellets Low quality Coal 92 % Pellets and Energy FinMet 2.0 % Fluid bed reactor ore mulcts natural gas 91-93 % Briquettes Hyl 14.5 % Traveling bed reactor ball ore Coal 93 % Pellets or briquettes Midrex 58.2 % Shaft pellets natural gas 95 % Pellets Circofer 0.5 % two stage fluid bed ore mulcts Coal 92 % Pellets or briquettes Circored 0.5 % two stage fluid bed ore mulcts natural gas 92 % Pellets or briquettes Fastmet 0.4 % Rotary fireplace EAF dust/scrap Carbon 85-92 % BriquettesPlants CitedBresser, W. , & A ; Weber, P. ( 1995 ) . Circored and circofer: State of the art Technology for low cost direct decrease. Iron Steel Eng. ( USA ) Vol. 72, no 4, pp. 81-85. Energiron. ( n.d. ) . HP- HYL Process Description. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Energiron Corperate Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.energiron.com/tour/HYL % 20DR-Minimill % 20QTVR % 20tour/files/supportdocs/dri/pressprocess.pdf Kobe Steel, LTD. ( n.d. ) . FastMet Process. Retrieved Decemeber 7, 2009, from Kobelco, Kobe Steel LTD: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kobelco.co.jp/p108/fastmet/indexe.htm Kobelco. ( n.d. ) . Fastmet Process Flow. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Kobelco Corperation Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.kobelco.co.jp/english/topics/2008/10/fastment_process_flow.pdf Lepinski, J. A. ( 1980 ) . THe ACCAR System and its Application to Direct Reduction of Iron Ores. Iron Steel Eng Vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 25-31. Lopez, G. G. , & A ; Noriega, E. ( 2008, December ) . InTech Hot Fe. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Emerson Process Management: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.easydeltav.com/news/viewpoint/InTech1208.pdf Lopukhov, G. A. ( 2003 ) . The ‘Finmet ‘ engineering. Elektrometall Vol. 1, pp 43-44. Midrex Corp. ( 2009, April 1 ) . 2008 World Direct Reduced Statistics. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Midrex Corperate Website: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.midrex.com/uploads/documents/MIDREXStatsBook2008.pdf Quintero Yanez, D. ( 1992 ) . Development of Thursday Use of HYL DRI in the Electric Arc Furnace. 4th European Electric Steel Congress, ( pp. pp 273-283 ) . Madrid ; Spain. Schutze, W. R. ( n.d. ) . HBI – Hot Briquetting of Direct Reduced Iron. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Koppern Corperation Web site: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.koeppern.de/download/11_7.pdf Tanaka, H. , Harada, t. , & A ; Yoshida, S. ( 2005 ) . Development of Coal-Based Direct Reduction Ironmaking Process. SEAISI Quarterly Vol 34, Number 4, ppp 26-33. Weber, P. , Hirsch, M. , Bresser, W. , & A ; Husain, R. ( 2009 ) . Circofer, A Low Cost Approach to DRI production. Retrieved December 7, 2009, from Hot Briqetted Iron Association: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.hbia.org/Technical/openpdf.cfm? filename=DRProcess/1994-1DR.pdf

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Media, Capitalism, etc. essays

Media, Capitalism, etc. essays 1. Several of our commentators have suggested that the media engage in self-censorship. What does this mean and how is it accomplished? Self-censorship is one of the least discussed, and most routine, media constraints in the United States. The mass media are able to numb us, in a sense, dispensing anesthesia along with selected information. Stories that are damaging to the financial interests of news organizations, along with stories that go against the values of capitalism, democracy, and warfare are very intentionally avoided. No one needs to instruct the editor of a magazine dependent on cigarette-ad revenue not to launch a crusade against the tobacco industry; they already know not to do so. The news is filled with footage and descriptions of cruise missiles, F-117 Stealth bombers, F-16CJ jets and other ultramodern aircraft. Their awesome technical prowess is publicized in detail. But don't expect much coverage or description of exactly what happens to people when the bombs detonate, whom we are aiming to kill with the bombs, or of what the real reasons are behind the bombing. Meanwhile, media conflicts of interest are unacknowledged. For example, if Brokaw and his NBC News colleagues marvel at the exploits of F/A-18 Hornet jets, they don't mention that NBC's parent company, General Electric, produces the engine that goes into each one. One of the most powerful things that the media can do is persuade the population to view events, proposals, or agendas in a liberal or conservative manner. Media organizations do not cover assignments factually, fairly, or fully, resulting in a bias in their coverage when it comes to political subjects and more. The power of mass media to persuade the population cannot be understated. If the media gives greater coverage, or sensationalizes only one theory, the population sways in the direction of the information supplied. The same is true for downplaying, or covert negativity ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

First World War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

First World War - Essay Example However, the concept of Empire and Imperialism were strong driving factors for the First World War. The great powers of Europe wanted to expand and maintain their spheres of influence in Europe. The rise of nationalistic sentiments among the different ethnic populations led to the strengthening of imperial influence. For instance, Russia supported Serbia since both belong to the Slavic people. Being a foot soldier during this period of war can range from depressive to horrific. Since static trench warfare was the predominant strategy during this time, the soldiers on each side were either on the offensive or the defensive stance. It was usually a gruesome act for armies from each side to come out of the trenches for an offensive push just to be blasted by artillery or shredded by machine gun and rifle fire. Still, many soldiers were willing to do so out of either patriotic feelings or because of a great deal of imperial propaganda. Women took part in the war mainly as field medical aid or support units. The war ended with the defeat of the German and Austrian-Hungarian Empires against the British, American, and French. The Russians were forced out early from the war due to the rise of the Bolshevik communists. The Treaty of Versailles was passed to the humiliating detriment of both the German and Austro-Hungarian Empires. Both states lost their holdings and status as imperial powers, and their military capabilities reduced. The face of Europe changed after the First World War as the Balkan states that were under the Austro-Hungarian Empire became independent. Germany lost its imperial influence, while Russia became the Soviet Union after the communists took over the Tsarist

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Accountability, Representation and Control and the Euro crisis Essay

Accountability, Representation and Control and the Euro crisis - Essay Example Some of the common perspectives on the crisis suggest that the weaknesses in the accountability processes, compromised systems of control, and poor representation are at the core of the Euro crisis (Hopwood, 2009, p. 797). Those who hold onto this view contend that revamping the structural basis of the three features is fundamental to resolving the crisis. The banking sector, the government spending practices, and the corporate world remain some of the areas that have received significant focus by analysts of the Euro crisis. Poor controls feature in the manner in which governments have failed to put in place regulatory systems to stem bad spending practices, which lead to increased deficits that imperil economic growth. Weak accountability systems encouraged unethical accounting practices that threatened the collapse of the banking sector in the region attracting large amounts of bailouts that burdened the taxpayers. The genesis of the Euro crisis stems from failure of some member s tates to regulate their sovereign debt. The sovereign debt, which had been capped at the 60 percent of the gross domestic product GDP, determines the state of stability of the economic stability of the member states (Arnold, 2012). Proposals for austerity measures, which have been suggested by countries like Germany have incurred the displeasure of some of the most affected countries such as Greece and Poland. The central thinking of the affected countries is that austerity measures will stunt economic growth and leading to states of economic instability, which would expose the affected countries to more damage from the systems. It is important to consider some of the reasons of the economic crisis in terms of the structural germ of their causes. At the bottom of the debt crisis is the need for stronger and reliable regulatory frameworks that would enable accountability, control, and representation in order to shield the Eurozone from the adverse consequences of the crisis. Pursuit of economic self-interest among the Eurozone member states remains one of the challenges facing efforts of addressing the Euro crisis (Lynn, 2011, p. 31). Entry into the Eurozone necessarily required member countries to cede some control of their economic structures to a centralized operational framework without mortgaging their sense of autonomy. Further, the challenge also involves the question of competition, which drove some countries to practice subjective accounting practices with the intention of protecting certain self-interests. According to some economic policies, the Euro crisis would have been averted had the member countries adjusted their accounting policies and operations in ways that embrace the aspect of representation as understood within the framework of fair trading practices (Arestis, 2012). Such structures would have provided the necessary points of economic convergence, which would have shielded the countries from the threats posed by the crisis. Much of the f ocus of the Euro crisis has involved unqualified accounting practices in the corporate world (Knight, 2012, p. 13). A number of banks, for instance, presented unqualified audit reports, which gave hints of growth based on misrepresentation of certain disclosures on assets and mortgages. Such banks later encountered numerous operational challenges that led to their being declared bankrupt. On this account, many banking institutions led to massive government expenditure in terms of bailouts, which were necessitated by the fact that failure to put in place appropriate regulatory mechanisms would expose the banking sector to the threat of collapse, which would then touch of a series of economic challenges that

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to make prisons economically viable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to make prisons economically viable - Essay Example This has made a negative impact on the private prison industry. The aim of this paper is to analyze private prisons in United States in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. SWOT Analysis During the eighties, the trend in privatization of prisons started and thus, by the nineties, majority of the prisons became private. In the prison industry, private prisons are considered to be the most profitable and lucrative methods of maintaining law and order and at the same time, generating revenues (Shichor, 2002). Correctional Corporation of America and Wackenhut are considered to be the two dominant players in the private prison industry(Logan, 2007). Research suggests that by sentencing one prison, the correctional institution gets large amount of money (Sloane, 2006). However, in the last few years, there has been decline in the private prison industry. Based on the decline and massive expenditure on private prisons, the following analysis has been conducted in for economic ally viable private prisons: Strengths 1. There is no doubt that private prisons are more effective in maintaining law and order as compared to public prisons. 2. Privatization concentrates on providing quality to the prisoners. 3. Private prisons allow business owners to generate higher revenues. 4.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Transnational IT Operations Essay Example for Free

Transnational IT Operations Essay What can best describe transnationalism is it’s a form of societal progress grown out of the maximized interconnectivity between people in different parts of the world and the relaxation of boundaries between regions or countries. To identify well the meaning of transnatiolism in our modern world the effect can best be seen with regards with the use of information technology in criss-crossing borders to other countries which in turn have an effect in cultures, economies and social status of the host and the recipient country. It transcend into transnational entrepreneurship using the internet to go global business. With the advancement of the information technology, businesses using the net have launched another milestone in electronic entrepreneurships and the industry has never been easier and faster. Transnationalism does not necessarily recognize boundaries in terms of nationalities, race, mores and cultures and every aspect is in collaboration. Doing global business through the web lets every entrepreneur to economize resources and still can manage schedules notwithstanding time zones. Strategic unification of the providers, their clients and other business associates can easily lead to a strong and permanent partnerships which will bring a more concentrated and sturdy competition with other products and services in the world of e-commerce. This system will result in a favorable climate all participated in secular group that will bring product and services at its best (Raisinghani, 2006). Transnationalism has also its advantages such as it has unified government’s movements to those that have the same motive in the protection of environment as the Greenpeace, studies of the global warming and other environmental concerns. It has made global companies to access cheaper labor and their product and services is in constant participation in the global market as well as a continuous tapping of the foreign markets and resources which is very essential for the company’s survival (World, 2001). Promoters of transnationalism have an objective of connecting people and their ideas as well as exchanging trades between regions and countries. The rapid growth of globalization has been linking nations and enabling multinational companies successful in recruiting migrant staff capable of improving their global business system. This has contributed to the increased productivity of each entrepreneur with the continuous flow of information and world wide scientific coordination. Thanks to the internet. It is considered the primary means by which organizations may expand rapidly into high and expansive emerging markets of the world. As transnational companies become expert in their use of the Internet, they will be able to pursue global electronic trade more efficiently, saving significant advertising, communication and organizational costs. As a budding businessman who wants to take your business to the world, you have to take considerations of the present economic trends in the global market. You need to identify the different technological advancements being used today, the ups and downs of the trade and policies or restrictions. You have to deepen your research in knowing which country have the capability of fastracking their information technology setting and are capable to be one of the leading personalities in the global business. Important considerations must also be considered. To attract traders and consumers your website must have an international appeal. And being involved in the global business you have to have an international/global IT professional working group located from different regions and countries. Their unique and diverse environment will be able to keep up your company with the trends on the international market. They would be your primary agents for your outsourcing projects. Global employment is not simply sourcing out staff overseas. It has been noted that IT workers who have experienced and trained with international projects has made them more independent and reliable in their tasks. They learned to appreciate the diverse cultures and customs of different nationalities which make them potential managers for international projects. Such personalities are best in handling out investments in infrastructures, communication and training or education. Competition plays a vital role in running an information technology program especially when it is global. By globalization, it means that employees and business partners always require doing their business geographically and sequentially distant from one another. The movement and provision of information technologies within the web is the only favored choice for surmounting the restriction of protected boundaries. Managing a global business on the Web is much more different from running a business on the ground. The only crucial step in joining this business is there should be no room for mistakes especially when it comes to managing an information technology base.   Excellent management is the most important concept in running up an international business which is why your IT professionals must have the most capability in doing their job competently. Your manpower should always be first class. Maintaining a pool of experts demands competitive benefits and packages for them. The company must have a solid international reputation and active corporate environment. The company should also adhere to be culturally sensitive at all cost and there should always be a continuous training program for its staff to be able for them to grow and blend with the challenging world of information technology. Furthermore, to provide descriptions in the operation of an information technology be it on local or transnational level relies on the operations staff themselves. Every second monitoring of the internet, cables, telephone access, administrative computer applications and research academic systems is a must. The workforce must have the expertise in utilizing various tools and resources for the monitoring and troubleshooting of the network’s system and applications. Even a glitch should be escalated immediately to avoid catastrophe into the system as well as the whole external network. In most applications, the internal and international IT organization is responsible for the selection, management and support of technology in the business environment.   As an internal support function, the IT operation must be organized, and run with optimum efficiency, aligned with business needs, vision, and objectives.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There should be a designing of an efficient deployment of proceedings of advance information technologies and that relies solely upon the organization. And it does not end there.   There are still a number of crucial responsibilities in maneuvering a transnational IT system. To name some of the most important ones are monitoring all operations systems, ensure that all services are available to the user all around the globe, have local and international staff to troubleshoot problems anytime problems arises, ensuring that proper hardware and software maintenance is done on a regular basis as well as the timely distribution of all production and user output. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, manpower, significant communication and the latest technological advances to be able to meet the demand in running an IT   industry   .(Editorial, 2007) Every advancement in our society has great advantages. But there are also disadvantages as well. Worst, this is always direct to mankind. Issues regarding management of Information technology in a transnational environment are always identified. While major advancements in technology are bringing and making people worldwide to work together it also brings together those seeking to engage in illicit activity and thus assists in the construction of criminal enterprises. One place where this is most clear is in the production of child pornography where â€Å"support networks† of pedophiles have emerged in the use of the Internet and other communication technologies. Another example was the ability to create a more consolidated global market for pirated intellectual property, such as software, using the Internet as a backbone. There is always an easy access to any information needed on the web that even illegal transactions and terrorists are able to exploit. Such operations happen at the same time as we do decent business on the net. Unfortunately, this is also how they ran their own business. Transnational criminals and corrupt individuals do function more effectively with the use of technology. It is much like promoting the formation of an illicit network and is a revenue source for committing a fraud. Government technology contracts are often the objects of corruption and sadly, IT professionals in the software and computer engineering fields unwittingly and secretly work for the criminals in different regions of the world. There are also drawbacks. The internet is created to bond every citizen of the world in the world of web. But information technology itself has been able to changed societies, political systems and economies. Virtual protective boundaries for any given country which are formed as barriers from external sabotage are usually violated. Obviously, the Internet has disrupted military movements, and has the potential to do so again. More well known are the effects that criminal use of the Internet to hack business accounts using web-based institutions has already produce such setbacks (Trade, 2004) A study which was founded on a comprehensive literature review stated that the detailed quality of information technology in a transnational environment has its own reactions on various communal units. In order to recognize IT-related issues and their declaration through the means of policies, there should be the recognition and respect to the national or international policy of every country. There are three dimensions with regard to this. First is the characteristics dimension that refers to the relevant characteristics of IT. Second is the effects dimension which considers the effect of IT on a certain individual, the transnational organization and the country. And lastly is the policy dimension. Balancing the distinction in national policies can be accomplished through bilateral, regional, or multilateral negotiations. And now from crime to nuisance. The never-ending creation of computer viruses that aim to destroy any file or program on its path. The advancement of the computer technology brings about the advancement of its own destruction. Getting more sophisticated and secretive each of these small but destructive programs are out there trying to invade and destroy your files and your world. In conclusion, transnational IT operation was the â€Å"in† thing in the world of computer technology today. This is the continuing saga of advancement through a miscellaneous network and you have to be vigilant. If you want to survive in this mesh you have to have the perseverance to handle and manage such a giant responsibility. You must always be in constant watch protecting the most important data in your system. Reference Editorial, B. C. (2007). Computer Operations: Information Technology Services [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from http://www.bc.edu/offices/its/appssystems/operations.html. Raisinghani, M. (2006). Transnational Organization [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2003 from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Tr-Z/Transnational-Organization.html. Trade, A. F. A. a. (2004). Transnational Terrorism: The Threat to Australia [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from http://www.dfat.gov.au/publications/terrorism/introduction.html. World, I. (2001). Special Report On IT Globalization [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from http://www.itworld.com/Tech/2418/ITW010322globalization/.