Thursday, October 31, 2019

How to make prisons economically viable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to make prisons economically viable - Essay Example This has made a negative impact on the private prison industry. The aim of this paper is to analyze private prisons in United States in the lights of broad and diverse academic resources. SWOT Analysis During the eighties, the trend in privatization of prisons started and thus, by the nineties, majority of the prisons became private. In the prison industry, private prisons are considered to be the most profitable and lucrative methods of maintaining law and order and at the same time, generating revenues (Shichor, 2002). Correctional Corporation of America and Wackenhut are considered to be the two dominant players in the private prison industry(Logan, 2007). Research suggests that by sentencing one prison, the correctional institution gets large amount of money (Sloane, 2006). However, in the last few years, there has been decline in the private prison industry. Based on the decline and massive expenditure on private prisons, the following analysis has been conducted in for economic ally viable private prisons: Strengths 1. There is no doubt that private prisons are more effective in maintaining law and order as compared to public prisons. 2. Privatization concentrates on providing quality to the prisoners. 3. Private prisons allow business owners to generate higher revenues. 4.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Transnational IT Operations Essay Example for Free

Transnational IT Operations Essay What can best describe transnationalism is it’s a form of societal progress grown out of the maximized interconnectivity between people in different parts of the world and the relaxation of boundaries between regions or countries. To identify well the meaning of transnatiolism in our modern world the effect can best be seen with regards with the use of information technology in criss-crossing borders to other countries which in turn have an effect in cultures, economies and social status of the host and the recipient country. It transcend into transnational entrepreneurship using the internet to go global business. With the advancement of the information technology, businesses using the net have launched another milestone in electronic entrepreneurships and the industry has never been easier and faster. Transnationalism does not necessarily recognize boundaries in terms of nationalities, race, mores and cultures and every aspect is in collaboration. Doing global business through the web lets every entrepreneur to economize resources and still can manage schedules notwithstanding time zones. Strategic unification of the providers, their clients and other business associates can easily lead to a strong and permanent partnerships which will bring a more concentrated and sturdy competition with other products and services in the world of e-commerce. This system will result in a favorable climate all participated in secular group that will bring product and services at its best (Raisinghani, 2006). Transnationalism has also its advantages such as it has unified government’s movements to those that have the same motive in the protection of environment as the Greenpeace, studies of the global warming and other environmental concerns. It has made global companies to access cheaper labor and their product and services is in constant participation in the global market as well as a continuous tapping of the foreign markets and resources which is very essential for the company’s survival (World, 2001). Promoters of transnationalism have an objective of connecting people and their ideas as well as exchanging trades between regions and countries. The rapid growth of globalization has been linking nations and enabling multinational companies successful in recruiting migrant staff capable of improving their global business system. This has contributed to the increased productivity of each entrepreneur with the continuous flow of information and world wide scientific coordination. Thanks to the internet. It is considered the primary means by which organizations may expand rapidly into high and expansive emerging markets of the world. As transnational companies become expert in their use of the Internet, they will be able to pursue global electronic trade more efficiently, saving significant advertising, communication and organizational costs. As a budding businessman who wants to take your business to the world, you have to take considerations of the present economic trends in the global market. You need to identify the different technological advancements being used today, the ups and downs of the trade and policies or restrictions. You have to deepen your research in knowing which country have the capability of fastracking their information technology setting and are capable to be one of the leading personalities in the global business. Important considerations must also be considered. To attract traders and consumers your website must have an international appeal. And being involved in the global business you have to have an international/global IT professional working group located from different regions and countries. Their unique and diverse environment will be able to keep up your company with the trends on the international market. They would be your primary agents for your outsourcing projects. Global employment is not simply sourcing out staff overseas. It has been noted that IT workers who have experienced and trained with international projects has made them more independent and reliable in their tasks. They learned to appreciate the diverse cultures and customs of different nationalities which make them potential managers for international projects. Such personalities are best in handling out investments in infrastructures, communication and training or education. Competition plays a vital role in running an information technology program especially when it is global. By globalization, it means that employees and business partners always require doing their business geographically and sequentially distant from one another. The movement and provision of information technologies within the web is the only favored choice for surmounting the restriction of protected boundaries. Managing a global business on the Web is much more different from running a business on the ground. The only crucial step in joining this business is there should be no room for mistakes especially when it comes to managing an information technology base.   Excellent management is the most important concept in running up an international business which is why your IT professionals must have the most capability in doing their job competently. Your manpower should always be first class. Maintaining a pool of experts demands competitive benefits and packages for them. The company must have a solid international reputation and active corporate environment. The company should also adhere to be culturally sensitive at all cost and there should always be a continuous training program for its staff to be able for them to grow and blend with the challenging world of information technology. Furthermore, to provide descriptions in the operation of an information technology be it on local or transnational level relies on the operations staff themselves. Every second monitoring of the internet, cables, telephone access, administrative computer applications and research academic systems is a must. The workforce must have the expertise in utilizing various tools and resources for the monitoring and troubleshooting of the network’s system and applications. Even a glitch should be escalated immediately to avoid catastrophe into the system as well as the whole external network. In most applications, the internal and international IT organization is responsible for the selection, management and support of technology in the business environment.   As an internal support function, the IT operation must be organized, and run with optimum efficiency, aligned with business needs, vision, and objectives.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There should be a designing of an efficient deployment of proceedings of advance information technologies and that relies solely upon the organization. And it does not end there.   There are still a number of crucial responsibilities in maneuvering a transnational IT system. To name some of the most important ones are monitoring all operations systems, ensure that all services are available to the user all around the globe, have local and international staff to troubleshoot problems anytime problems arises, ensuring that proper hardware and software maintenance is done on a regular basis as well as the timely distribution of all production and user output. It takes a lot of hard work, dedication, manpower, significant communication and the latest technological advances to be able to meet the demand in running an IT   industry   .(Editorial, 2007) Every advancement in our society has great advantages. But there are also disadvantages as well. Worst, this is always direct to mankind. Issues regarding management of Information technology in a transnational environment are always identified. While major advancements in technology are bringing and making people worldwide to work together it also brings together those seeking to engage in illicit activity and thus assists in the construction of criminal enterprises. One place where this is most clear is in the production of child pornography where â€Å"support networks† of pedophiles have emerged in the use of the Internet and other communication technologies. Another example was the ability to create a more consolidated global market for pirated intellectual property, such as software, using the Internet as a backbone. There is always an easy access to any information needed on the web that even illegal transactions and terrorists are able to exploit. Such operations happen at the same time as we do decent business on the net. Unfortunately, this is also how they ran their own business. Transnational criminals and corrupt individuals do function more effectively with the use of technology. It is much like promoting the formation of an illicit network and is a revenue source for committing a fraud. Government technology contracts are often the objects of corruption and sadly, IT professionals in the software and computer engineering fields unwittingly and secretly work for the criminals in different regions of the world. There are also drawbacks. The internet is created to bond every citizen of the world in the world of web. But information technology itself has been able to changed societies, political systems and economies. Virtual protective boundaries for any given country which are formed as barriers from external sabotage are usually violated. Obviously, the Internet has disrupted military movements, and has the potential to do so again. More well known are the effects that criminal use of the Internet to hack business accounts using web-based institutions has already produce such setbacks (Trade, 2004) A study which was founded on a comprehensive literature review stated that the detailed quality of information technology in a transnational environment has its own reactions on various communal units. In order to recognize IT-related issues and their declaration through the means of policies, there should be the recognition and respect to the national or international policy of every country. There are three dimensions with regard to this. First is the characteristics dimension that refers to the relevant characteristics of IT. Second is the effects dimension which considers the effect of IT on a certain individual, the transnational organization and the country. And lastly is the policy dimension. Balancing the distinction in national policies can be accomplished through bilateral, regional, or multilateral negotiations. And now from crime to nuisance. The never-ending creation of computer viruses that aim to destroy any file or program on its path. The advancement of the computer technology brings about the advancement of its own destruction. Getting more sophisticated and secretive each of these small but destructive programs are out there trying to invade and destroy your files and your world. In conclusion, transnational IT operation was the â€Å"in† thing in the world of computer technology today. This is the continuing saga of advancement through a miscellaneous network and you have to be vigilant. If you want to survive in this mesh you have to have the perseverance to handle and manage such a giant responsibility. You must always be in constant watch protecting the most important data in your system. Reference Editorial, B. C. (2007). Computer Operations: Information Technology Services [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from Raisinghani, M. (2006). Transnational Organization [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2003 from Trade, A. F. A. a. (2004). Transnational Terrorism: The Threat to Australia [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from World, I. (2001). Special Report On IT Globalization [Electronic Version]. Retrieved July 22, 2007 from

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Selecting The Most Suitable Procurement Route Construction Essay

Selecting The Most Suitable Procurement Route Construction Essay Understand that due to the terrible weather and severe storm, a significant damage was happened to Cinnamon Grand hotels. As a result, the hotel management board requested for advice on selecting an appropriate procurement route after deciding to reconstruct the destroyed buildings. There are a few procurement routes could be selected amongst traditional procurement route and non-traditional procurement routes which includes Design and Build, Management Contracting and Construction Management. In general, Traditional method is more favored by public project because it satisfies public accountability, Design and Build method is more for inexperienced client who desire cost certainty and fast track projects, Management Contracting method is usually adopted by experienced client who does not take cost certainty as their priority, similar to Construction Management. Selecting an appropriate procurement route will directly benefit the client in many perspectives, such as time saving, cost saving, risk avoidance, quality control, price competition and so on. Provided information states that you do not have an in-house executive to advise the reconstruction; you will obtain a financial assistance of estimated 120 million; you intend to re-open the business latest by 28th February 2015. Thurs, the most important issues which you are highly concerned are risk allocation, price certainty and project duration. Two points each will be allocated to the most suitable procurement route. Besides, you are also concerned about site control, quality control, complexity and heritage. One point will be allocated to the most suitable procurement route. Table 1 shows the matrix for making decision on how to select a suitable procurement route. Table 1: Matrix of selecting the most suitable procurement route Traditional Procurement Design and Build Management Contracting Construction Management Risk Allocation à ¡Ã‚ µÃ†â€™ 1 2 Price Certainty à ¡Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ¡ 2 2 Project Duration à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“ 1 2 1 1 Site Control à ¡Ã‚ µÃ‹â€  1 1 Quality Control à ¡Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ° 1 1 1 Complexity à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã‚   1 1 Total 6 7 3 3 2. Factors Affecting the Selection of Procurement Route 2.1 Risk Allocation Risks can be classified as design risks and construction risks. It is crucial for you to know much risk it can bear and how to pass the risks to the contractor; especially in this case, you do not have a team of specialists who are capable of advising on the design nor the reconstruction. Amongst all the procurement routes, Design and Build method will allow you to pass almost all the design and construction risks to the contractor, at a price. Traditional procurement method distributes risks to both insured consultant and contractor equally, while Management Contracting and Construction Management have a disadvantage of retaining most of the risks to employer. Therefore, Design and Build and Traditional methods are most suitable for Cinnamon Grand to minimise risks à ¡Ã‚ µÃ†â€™. 2.2 Price Certainty Price certainty is always a prior concern in private projects, because preventing overrunning budget plays a big part for private client. It has been highlighted in the key issues by Cinnamon Grand saying price certainty is most important. Traditional method provides a high level of price certainty because it relied on competitive tender, usually the Contactor with the lowest tender price will be accepted, although sometimes negotiation happens. Other advantages of Traditional method are competitive fairness, which means all tenderers prices will be based on same design drawings issued by Consultant, and a relatively low tender preparation cost comparing to the rest methods. Design and Build method also ensures a firm cost as most contracts will be let on a lump sum basis, it is also unlikely to have design changes, because contractors responsibilities of both design and construction will increase the buildability and minimise the variation. Management Contracting and Construction Ma nagement are at disadvantage as the actual project cost will only be know when all the work packages have been let. In order to make the price competitive, the best way of obtaining price certainty is through Traditional method or Design and Build method à ¡Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ ¡. 2.3 Project Duration Time is essence for those who want quick return on the investment, especially for private client. There are two ways to avoid project delays, one is to start project as early as possible, the other is to end project as early as possible. As I know that the date of commencement is on 1st March 2014 and the date of completion is on 28th February 2015, which means the time for construction is really crucial. Fortunately, the decision has been made in August 2012, giving us one and a half year head start on doing whatever necessary preparation works, for example, to carry out brief, design and competition. The late worksite handover date seems to be suitable to use Traditional method, however, under certain circumstances of any variation order incurred, Contractor reserve the right to claim extension of time, this will affect the crucial construction period and cause project delays. Therefore, even though Traditional method allows design works can be start early, it still has a medium risk of project delays because the design responsibility does not lie with Contractor. Same applies to Management Contracting and Construction Management as well. Although Management Contracting and Construction Management allow design and construction works to be carried out concurrently, Management Contracting takes more time on selecting a management input and then subcontractors, and Construction Management makes you have to deal with many subcontractors and no single subcontractor is solely responsible for the date of completion. So since there is a long preparation period from August 2012 to March 2014, I suggest that Competitive Design and Build (two-stage tendering) method will be best suitable to meet the time requirement à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã…“, not only because it avoids delay to the commencement date, but also ensures the completion date with buildability and single point of contract and responsibility. 2.4 Site Control In order to provide a good service while the construction is going on, work site must be well managed in every perspective including safety, planning, noise and etc. The advantage of Management Contracting and Construction Management methods is having a shorter communication line between you and subcontractors, so that to ensure a faster response to decisions. On the other hand, Traditional and Design and Build method do not have control of subcontractors, because there is no contractual relationship between you and subcontractors. Thus, Management Contracting and Construction Management methods will be best suitable to control work site à ¡Ã‚ µÃ‹â€ . However, it is still possible for other procurement methods to keep the work site well managed by improving the contract requirements and specifications. 2.5 Quality Control Traditional method has a low quality risk because most of the design works are done by insured Consultants who working directly for you. Management Contracting and Construction Management methods also have a low quality risk because a close link will be established between you, Consultants and Contractors, to allow buildibility. Even though when under certain circumstances, design quality may be compromised duo to pressure from employer. Design and Build method has a relatively high quality risk because the whole design and build process is solely undertaken by Contractor, which may slightly affects the quality level. All above mentioned procumbent methods except Design and Build method are suitable to enhance quality control and heritage à ¡Ã‚ µÃ¢â‚¬ °. Even so, the possible affected quality using Design and Build method also depends on how experienced the employer is and how accurate is the requirements stated in the contracts document. So I think it will not be a difficult task for such an experienced client in renovation of buildings like Cinnamon Grand. 2.6 Complexity Projects complexity can be identified by the types of physical services involved, the number of sub-contractors, resources in term of labour, plant and materials, the level of technology and the uniqueness of project activities (Songer and Molenaar, 1997). Traditional method and Design and Build method are more suitable for simple or medium-scaled buildings like this particular project, while Management Contracting and Construction Management methods cater for larger and more complex buildings. Considering all types of complexities mentioned, the core concept still revolves around time and cost as the primary purpose is to re-open the hotel business to make money. And the construction period for phase two is only one month time. So I suggest that in order to encourage time saving, Design and Build method should be selected à ¡Ã‚ ¶Ã‚   rather than Traditional methods, because all construction works will be conducted by Contractor alone while Traditional method has different specialists doing high technology multimedia facilities and air conditioning system. 3. Recommendations There is no single procumbent method suitable for all kinds of projects, advantages and disadvantages can only be determined according to clients concerns and priorities. Therefore, by referring to the result formulated in Table 1, I suggest that the most suitable procurement route should be Competitive Design and Build.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Red Badge Of Courage Essay -- essays research papers

The Red Badge Of Courage The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane outlines the effects of war on a Union soldier, Henry Fleming, from his dreams of being a soldier, to his enlistment, and through several battles of the Civil War. Henry Fleming was not happy with his boring life on the farm. He wanted to become a hero in war and have girls loving him for his big achievements in battle. He knew his mother would not like to see him go to war, but it was his decision to make. He dreamed of the exiting battles of war and the thrill of fighting magnificent battles. He didn't want to stay on the farm with nothing to do, so he made the final decision to enlist. After enlisting he finds himself just sitting around with nothing to do. He manages to make friends with two other soldiers, John Wilson and Jim Conklin. Wilson was as exited about going to war like Henry, while Jim was positive about the success of the new regiment. Henry started to realize after a few days of marching, that their regiment was just wandering pointlessly, and going in circles. They kept marching on without fighting. During time Henry started to think about the battles in a different way, he started to become afraid that he might run from battle when duty calls. When the regiment finally learns of a battle taking place, Jim gives Henry a little packet in a yellow envelope, telling Henry that this will be his first and last battle. The regiment managed to hold off the rebels for the first charge, but then ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Comparison Between Market Structures

A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MARKET STRUCTURES Perfect Competition No. of Firms A large number, each being small. Monopolistic Competition A large number, each have some amount of market power. Oligopoly A small number, each being mutually interdependent. Monopoly Only one firm, possessing full control in the market. Size of Firms Small. Therefore each is a price taker. Relatively small but possessing some ability in setting price. Relatively big but bases its decision on other firms. Very large and is able to influence price or output but not both simultaneously. Nature of Product Homogeneous Differentiated Differentiated Unique Knowledge of Product Perfect knowledge of market by buyers and sellers Imperfect knowledge of market by buyers and sellers Imperfect knowledge of market by buyers and sellers Imperfect knowledge of market by buyers and sellers Barriers Free entry and exit from industry Free entry and exit from industry Barriers of entry and exit from industry Barriers of entry and exit from industry Mobility of Factors Perfect Mobility Perfect Mobility Imperfect Mobility Imperfect Mobility Extent of Price Control/Pricing Policy None by individual firms who take the market prevailing price Firms may either set price or output, constrained by its demand curve Firms may either set price or output, constrained by the actions of rival firms Firms may either set price or output, constrained by its demand curve Non-price Competition No advertising or other forms of promotion because of perfect competition †¢ Perfectly price elastic – each firm is a price taker because of all the above conditions †¢ D=P=AR=MR †¢ Price is constant at all levels of output †¢ The industry’s demand and supply determine the market price Advertising and other forms of promotion may take place Advertising and other forms of promotion may take place because of price rigidity †¢ Kinked demand curve – price rigidity exists because of all the above conditions †¢ D=AR and AR>MR †¢ The oligoplistic firm determines the market price or output, taking into account its competitor’s reaction No advertising or other forms of promotion because of the absence of competition †¢ Relatively price inelastic – firm is a price setter because of all the above conditions †¢ D=AR and AR>MR †¢ The monopolist determines the market price or output but not both simultaneously because it is constrained by the demand curve Demand Curve/Price Line/AR curve †¢ Relatively price elastic – each firm has some ability to set price because of all the above conditions †¢ D=AR and AR>MR †¢ The monopolistically competitive firm determines the market price or output but not both simultaneously because it is constrained by the demand curve 1 Perfect Competition Relationship between the demand curves of the Firm and Industry Price Price S P2 D1 D2 D0 P0 P1 AR2 AR0 AR1 Monopolistic Competition Demand Curve of the Firm $ Oligopoly Demand Curve of the Firm $ Monopoly Demand Curve of the Firm / Industry $ P2 P0 P1 MR Quantity Firm Quantity AR=DD Quantity MR AR=DD Quantity MR AR=DD Quantity Q1 Q0 Q2 Industry TR Curve †¢ TR = P x Q †¢ Because P is constant, TR curve is a linear upward-sloping from left to right Revenue Curves under Perfect Competition $ $ 60 TR †¢ TR = P x Q †¢ Because P falls when Q rises, TR curve is an inverted U-shape Revenue Curves under Monopolistic Competition $ †¢ TR = P x Q †¢ Because P falls when Q rises, TR curve is an inverted U-shape Revenue Curves under Oligopoly $ TR = P x Q †¢ Because P falls when Q rises, TR curve is an inverted U-shape Revenue Curves under Monopoly $ 10 AR=MR=DD AR=DD Quantity $ AR=DD Quantity MR Quantity 6 Quantity $ MR AR=DD Quantity $ MR TR Quantity TR Quantity TR Quantity MR Curve †¢ Identical to P and AR, that is, D=P=AR=MR †¢ Constant †¢ MR is less than AR, with the gradient of the MR curve twice as steep as the AR curve (implying that the MR cuts the quantity axis at half the length at which the AR cuts the quantity axis) †¢ Downward sloping, that is, is falling as quantity increases MR is less than AR, with the gradient of the MR curve twice as steep as the AR curve (implying that the MR cuts the quantity axis at half the length at which the AR cuts the quantity axis) †¢ Downward sloping, that is, is falling as quantity increases †¢ Presence of a broken line, implying the presence of price rigidity †¢ MR is less than AR, with the gradient of the MR curve twice as steep as the AR curve (implying that the MR cuts the quantity axis at half the length at which the AR cuts the quantity axis) †¢ Downward sloping, that is, is falling as quantity increases 2 Perfect Competition MC/AC Curves †¢ U-shaped in SR because of Law of Diminishing Returns †¢ U-shaped in LR because of internal economies and diseconomies of scale Monopolistic Competition †¢ U-shaped in SR because of Law of Diminishing Returns †¢ U-shaped in LR because of internal economies and diseconomies of scale Oligopoly †¢ U-shaped in SR because of Law of Diminishing Returns †¢ U-shaped in LR because of internal economies and diseconomies of scale Monopoly †¢ U-shaped in SR because of Law of Diminishing Returns †¢ U-shaped in LR because of internal economies and diseconomies of scale Profit-maximising Condition †¢ MR = MC where MC is rising (revenue from the last unit of output is equal to the cost of producing the last unit, therefore marginal profit is equal to zero) †¢ Since MR=P(=D=AR), when MR=MC, P=MC †¢ When individual firms no longer reshuffle output †¢ When maximum profits are attained †¢ SR equilibrium conditions are fulfilled, and †¢ No entry of new firms and no exit of existing firms †¢ MR = MC where MC is rising (revenue from the last unit of output is equal to the cost of producing the last unit, therefore marginal profit is equal to zero) †¢ Since P>MR, when MR=MC, P>MC MR = MC where MC is rising (revenue from the last unit of output is equal to the cost of producing the last unit, therefore marginal profit is equal to zero) †¢ Since P>MR, when MR=MC, P>MC †¢ MR = MC where MC is rising (revenue from the last unit of output is equal to the cost of producing the last unit, therefore marginal profit is equal to zero) †¢ Since P>MR, when MR=MC, P>MC Meaning of SR Equilibrium †¢ When individual firms no longer reshuffle output †¢ When maximum profits are attained †¢ SR equilibrium conditions are fulfilled, and †¢ No entry of new firms and no exit of existing firms When individual firms no longer reshuffle output †¢ When maximum profits are attained †¢ SR equilibrium conditions are fulfilled, and †¢ No entry of new firms and no exit of existing firms †¢ When individual firms no longer reshuffle output †¢ When maximum profits are attained †¢ SR equilibrium conditions are fulfilled, and †¢ No entry of new firms and no exit of existing firms Meaning of LR Equilibrium Profitability in SR †¢ Supernormal profits when the firm earns profits which are in excess of what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Supernormal Profits under Perfect Competition $ MC AC P0 Supernormal Profits †¢ Supernormal profits when the firm earns profits which are in excess of what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Supernormal Profits under Monopolistic Competition $ MC AC Supernormal Profits †¢ Supernormal profits when the firm earns profits which are in excess of what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Supernormal Profits under Oligopoly $ MC †¢ Supernormal profits when the firm earns profits which are in excess of what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Supernormal Profits under Monopoly $ MC AC Supernormal Profits AR=MR=DD P0 P0 AC Supernormal Profits P0 AR=DD MR Q0 Quantity Q0 Quantity Q0 MR AR=DD MR Quantity Q0 AR=DD Quantity 3 Perfect Competition †¢ Normal profits refers to that level of profits that is just sufficient to induce the firm to stay in the industry Normal Profits under Perfect Competition $ MC AC P0 AR=MR=DD Monopolistic Competition †¢ Normal profits refers to that level of profits that is just sufficient to induce the firm to stay in the industry Normal Profits under Monopolistic Competition $ MC AC P0 Oligopoly †¢ Normal profits refers to that level of profits that is just sufficient to induce the firm to stay in the industry Normal Profits under Oligopoly $ MC AC P0 Monopoly †¢ Normal profits refers to that level of profits that is just sufficient to induce the firm to stay in the industry Normal Profits under Monopoly $ MC AC P0 AR=DD MR Q0 Quantity Q0 Quantity Q0 MR AR=DD MR Quantity Q0 AR=DD Quantity †¢ Subnormal profits occur when the firm earns less profits than what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Subnormal Profits under Perfect Competition $ MC AC Subnormal profits occur when the firm earns less profits than what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Subnormal Profits under Monopolistic Competition $ AC MC Subnormal Profits †¢ Subnormal profits occur when the firm earns less profits than what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Subnormal Profits under Oligopoly $ MC AC Subnormal Profits †¢ Subnormal profits occur when the firm earns less profits than what is necessary to induce it to remain in the industry Subnormal Profits under Monopoly $ AC MC Subnormal Profits P0 Subnormal Profits AR=MR=DD P0 P0 P0 AR=DD MR Q0 Quantity Q0 Quantity Q0 MR AR=DD MR Quantity Q0 AR=DD Quantity Profitability in LR Necessarily makes normal profit because of free entry and exit from the industry †¢ Supernormal profits – beyond optimum capacity (Overutilisation where AC is rising) †¢ Normal profits – optimum capacity (Full utilisation where AC is at its minimum) †¢ Subnormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Necessarily makes normal profit because of free entry and exit from the industry †¢ Supernormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Normal profits – below capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Subnormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Can be making either normal or supernormal profits because of the presence of entry to the industry †¢ Supernormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Normal profits – below capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Subnormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Can be making either normal or supernormal profits because of the presence of entry to the industry †¢ Supernormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Normal profits – below capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Subnormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Plant Utilisation in SR 4 Perfect Competition Plant Utilisation in LR Normal profits – optimum capacity (Full utilisation where AC is at its minimum) Monopolistic Competition Normal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Oligopoly †¢ Normal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Supernormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Monopoly †¢ Normal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) †¢ Supernormal profits – below optimum capacity (Underutilisation where AC is falling) Allocative Efficiency Allocative efficiency is attained where P=MC Allocative efficiency is NOT attained because P>MC Allocative efficiency is NOT attained because P>MC Allocative efficiency is NOT attained because P>MC EXCEPT when the monopolist is practising first degree (perfect) price discrimination Productive Efficiency (NEW vs OLD definition) NEW: Productive efficiency is attained where profit-maximising level of output is at the LRAC OLD: Productive efficiency is attained where profit-maximising level of output is at the minimum LRAC NEW: Productive efficiency is attained where profit-maximising level of output is at the LRAC OLD: Productive efficiency is NOT attained because profit maximising level of output is falling LRAC (underutilisation) NEW: Productive efficiency is attained where profit-maximising level of output is at the LRAC OLD: Productive efficiency is NOT attained because profit maximising level of output is falling LRAC (underutilisation) NEW: Productive efficiency is attained where profit-maximising level of output is at the LRAC OLD: Productive efficiency is NOT attained because profit maximising level of output is falling LRAC (underutilisation) Distinction between Firm and Industry †¢ Industry consists of many small firms producing an identical product. Therefore, there exists a distinction between firms and industry †¢ Firm’s demand curve is perfectly elastic because it is a price taker; industry’s demand curve is downward sloping †¢ SHORT-RUN – Price ? Average Variable Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Variable Cost) †¢ LONG-RUN – Price ? Average Total Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Cost) The portion of MC curve that is above the average variable cost †¢ Industry consists of many relatively small firms producing differentiated products. Therefore, there exists a distinction between firms and industry †¢ Firm’s demand curve and the industry’s demand curve is both downward sloping Industry consists of a few large firms producing differentiated products. Therefore, there exists a distinction between firms and industry †¢ Firm’s demand curve and the industry’s demand curve is kinked implying the presence of price rigidity †¢ Industry consists of only one firm producing a unique product. Therefore, there exists NO distinction between firms and industry †¢ Firm’s demand curve is the industry’s demand curve and it is downward sloping Shut-down condition †¢ SHORT-RUN – Price ? Average Variable Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Variable Cost) †¢ LONG-RUN – Price ? Average Total Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Cost) Cannot be determined because there is no unique price to a quantity and viceversa †¢ SHORT-RUN – Price ? Average Variable Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Variable Cost) †¢ LONG-RUN – Price ? Average Total Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Cost) Cannot be determined because of the presence of price rigidity †¢ SHORT-RUN – Price ? Average Variable Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Variable Cost) †¢ LONG-RUN – Price ? Average Total Cost (Total Revenue ? Total Cost) Cannot be determined because there is no unique price to a quantity and viceversa Supply Curve in SR 5

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Husky Injection Molding Systems

Question: What is Husky's strategy? Why has the company been so successful in the period prior to the recent problems? Husky follows a differentiation strategy by trying to offer a higher perceived value than its competitors in order to convince customers to pay a premium price for the company’s products – across its product line, Husky charges a 10% to 20% premium. Husky’s success, prior to the recent problems, can be explained by the following value drivers: Husky’s product featuresThe company is known in the industry for its high quality products. Husky’s systems are speedier than the ones of the competition (for PET products, Husky’s cycle time is 10% to 15% shorter) and they are believed to be more rugged. Furthermore, Husky’s systems are able to produce thinner walls than competitors’ machines, and their resin utilization and durability are higher. Unlike rivals, the company offers a fully integrated system of thinwall mol d, machine, and product-handling equipment. Husky’s customer serviceThe company established technical centers in key locations to provide technical support to its customers. Husky’s internal service force is known to be the strongest in the industry, and in addition, its sales force does an extraordinary job. Husky’s complements In addition to Husky’s systems, the company offers value-added services to provide greater perceived value for its customers: Husky’s experts plan injection molding facilities for customers, train customers, integrate production systems, and produce turnkey factories.In addition to these internal developments, Husky was also able to take advantage of the fact that soft drink makers shifted rapidly to plastic bottles: The company could establish itself in the PET preform market by bringing a quick series of product innovations on the market; by 1995, 60% of the world’s preforms were manufactured on Husky systems. All factors mentioned above contributed to Husky’s good brand equity that, in turn, allows the company to charge a premium price for its products, thus creating a competitive advantage.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Example

Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Example Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Chapter 13 and 14 Essay Chapter 13 and 14 Name: Institution: Lecturer: Course: Date Chapter 13 and 14 Ch. 13: Intro- what is ‘soft diplomacy’ and what is its purpose? Diplomacy refers to the feature of international relations where one nations attempts to carry out negotiations with another nation. This is mainly aimed at promoting peace, culture, or for economics purposes. Soft diplomacy is the American aspect of promoting the American culture through the distribution of American movies to nations that showed sympathy to communism. The soft diplomacy was mainly aimed at discouraging communism through the promotion of American ideas in the effort of showing the benefits of consumer capitalism. How do audiences respond to cultural exports (such as Disney)? The audiences have been mostly critical to the production of meaning. This is because the government could not be able to determine or control the meaning and response of the cultural exports. This is because the meaning and response are judged on the ground and are based on the historical and cultural contexts, which are mainly different from those of the United States of America. However, there are many who have positively responded to cultural exports such as Disney. This is because it serves as a form of identity. For instance, there are many Japanese, who have taken the American culture and Disney positively because it serves as a form of self-identification. 1-jazz: what is ironic about the US sending a jazz musician to Europe? What is the significance of Jazz music? The irony in sending jazz to Europe is that although Jazz tends to fight the issue of racism by having talented white colored musicians together, the issue of racism is still rife in the United States of America. 2-carton: how many symbols of US consumerism can be found in the drawing? The main symbol of consumerism that is found on the drawing is the demand for more and thereby leading to conflicts in the society especially in the family set up. 3-Disney: what is its appeal, its power? Does it shape culture or reflect it? Disney has proven to be a very powerful instrument in marketing the American culture. Disney mainly reflects the American culture in the belief of fairy tales and happy conclusions. 4-McDonald’s: how do Taiwanese people use McDonald’s? What impact does it have on their traditions? The Taiwanese use the McDonald’s premises as a social place and thus tend to spend much time there than their counterparts in the united states of America. There are those who chose the spot as relaxation venue by reading, thinking or simply chilling. There are those who chose the venue as a sport for conducting business meetings while others used the venue as a favorite spot for courtship purposes. This greatly influences their traditions because business meetings are no longer being conducted in offices nor is reading of novels being carried out in libraries or more quiet places. 5-Pokemon: how did the Japanese capture the US market? The producers captured the US market by allowing other companies to imitate the film. Although many companies sue for copyright infringement, the marketers of Pokemon allowed the production of an American version leading to the high acceptance in the local market. 6-hip hop: why did Ceza choose rap as his form of music? He chose to rap because he identified with the social struggle that is mainly conveyed in the rap songs. The music helped him to express himself and resist the things that he mostly disliked. Essays: What is globalization? How is it experienced? Globalization is the growing interdependence and influences either for commercial, political or cultural purposes globally. It is mainly experienced when one nation’s culture, economic or political landscape influences or is influenced by that of another nation. What is time-space compression? This is an effect of globalization where the word is seemingly becoming smaller because it is now easy to reach any part of the world through electronic media, satellite television and the internet. Are the receiving cultures weak? Are they simply being injected with US businesses without thought or resistance? The receiving cultures cannot be deemed as weak. Many societies tend to accommodate changes and thus leading to the wide acceptance of the American culture in these nations. The marketing of the American products and culture also tends to appeal to peoples of these nations. Are commodities culture? Commodities are not culture but are aspects of a given culture. The rap albums being sold are not the hip-hop culture but are mainly means of expression used by those of the hip-hop culture. What are the 2 contrary effects of globalization? The two contrary effects of globalization are that it leads to the promotion of one culture while it leads to the degradation of another. As one society adopts the cultural aspects of another community, it mainly abandons its past cultural practices to take up the new. How does ‘the authentic’ reappear in this context? The authentic will often reappear because the global is a pan of the local. This means that there are some aspects of the local culture present in the global culture. The adaptation of the global culture therefore results in the reappearance of some aspects of the authentic culture. The Americanization of Turkey occurred how? What are the results and concerns? The Americanization of turkey occurred through the marketing of American commodities in turkey. Commodities are aspects of a given culture and thus if the commodity is appealing, then the culture is also bound to be accepted. This results in the abandonment of the local culture for the new culture in this case the American culture. Ch. 14: Intro How is the Internet shaping the world, popular culture, and people’s lives? The internet facilitates the global interaction people from all over the world. This enables people to experience new cultures hence promoting popular culture. This leads to the change in people’s lives as many abandon their native cultures and adopt popular culture. What questions are being asked again as people appropriate this new media? The main questions being asked with the increasing use of the internet is whether the facility is promoting some cultures at the expense of others. The use of the internet has led to the globalization of some cultures whereas some are now becoming extinct. docs-What do each of these articles bring to the debate? Why were they included in the chapter? The two articles show how the internet and other interactive media facilitate the convergence of culture and how their use can lead to both positive and negative receptions and interpretations. Do people participate more or less in electronic games than in earlier versions of entertainment? Do they have control of the outcomes? Statistics indicate that there is growth in the number of persons engaging in electronic games as opposed to earlier versions of entertainment. This is mainly because the electronic games seem more appealing and exiting than the earlier versions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Guide to Understanding Homeschool Laws

A Guide to Understanding Homeschool Laws Homeschooling has been legal in all 50 U.S. states since 1993. According to the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, home education was illegal in most states as recently as the early 1980’s. By 1989, only three states, Michigan, North Dakota, and Iowa, still considered homeschooling a crime. Interestingly, of those three states, two of them, Michigan and Iowa, are today listed among the states with the least restrictive homeschooling laws. Although homeschooling is now legal across the United States, each state is responsible for drafting its own homeschool laws, which means that what must be done to legally homeschool varies depending on where a family lives. Some states are highly regulated, while others place few restrictions on homeschooling families. Homeschool Legal Defense Association maintains an up-to-date database on the homeschooling laws in all fifty states. Terms to Know When Considering Homeschool Laws To those who are new to homeschooling, the terminology used in homeschool  laws may be unfamiliar. Some of the basic terms you need to know include: Compulsory attendance: This refers to the ages children are required to be in some type of school setting. In most states that define a compulsory attendance age for homeschoolers, the minimum is usually between the ages of 5 and 7. The maximum is generally between the ages of 16 and 18. Declaration (or Notice) of Intent: Many states require that homeschooling families submit an annual notice of intent to homeschool to either the state or county school superintendent. The content of this notice can vary by state, but usually includes the names and ages of the homeschooled children, the home address, and the parent’s signature. Hours of instruction: Most states specify the number of hours and/or days per year during which children should be receiving instruction. Some, like Ohio, state 900 hours of instruction per year. Others, such as Georgia, specify four and one-half hours per day for 180 days each school year. Portfolio:  Some states offer a portfolio option in place of standardized testing or professional evaluation. A portfolio is a collection of documents outlining your student’s progress each school year. It may include records such as attendance, grades, courses completed, work samples, photos of projects, and test scores. Scope and sequence: A scope and sequence is a list of topics and concepts that a student will learn throughout the school year. These concepts are usually broken down by subject and grade level. Standardized test:  Many states require that homeschool students take nationally standardized tests at regular intervals. The tests that meet each state’s requirements may vary. Umbrella schools/cover schools: Some states give the option for homeschooled students to enroll in an umbrella or cover school. This may be an actual private school or simply an organization established to help homeschooling families comply with the laws  in their state. Students are taught at home by their parents, but the cover school maintains records for their enrolled students. The records required by cover schools vary based on the laws of the state in which they are located. These documents are submitted by parents and may include attendance, test scores, and grades. Some umbrella schools help parents choose curriculum and offer transcripts, diplomas, and graduation ceremonies. States with the Most Restrictive Homeschool Laws States that are generally considered to be highly regulated for homeschooling families include: MassachusettsNew YorkPennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermont Often regarded as one of the most regulated states,  New York’s homeschooling laws require that parents turn in an annual instruction plan for each student. This plan must include information such as the name, age, and grade level of the student; the curriculum or textbooks you intend to use; and the name of the teaching parent. The state requires annual standardized testing in which students should be at or above the 33rd percentile or show a full grade level improvement from the previous year.  New York also lists specific subjects that parents must teach their children at various grade levels. Pennsylvania, another highly-regulated state,  offers three options for homeschooling. Under the homeschool statute, all parents must submit a notarized affidavit to homeschool. This form includes information about immunizations and medical records, along with criminal background checks. Homeschooling parent Malena H., who lives in Pennsylvania, says that although the state is â€Å"†¦considered one of the states with the highest regulations†¦it really isnt that bad. It sounds overwhelming when you hear about all the requirements, but once you have done it once it is pretty easy.† She says, â€Å"In third, fifth and eighth grades the student has to take a standardized test. There is a variety to choose from, and they can even do some of them at home or online. You must keep a portfolio for each child that has a few samples for each subject taught and the results of the standardized test if the child is in one of the testing years. At the end of the year, you find an evaluator to review the portfolio and sign off on it. You then send the evaluator’s report to the school district.† States with Moderately Restrictive Homeschool Laws While most states require that the teaching parent have at least a high school diploma or GED, some, such as North Dakota,  require that the teaching parent have a teaching degree or be monitored for at least two years by a certified teacher. That fact puts North Dakota  on the list of those  considered to be moderately restrictive with regards to their homeschool laws. Those states include: ColoradoFloridaHawaiiLouisianaMaineMarylandMinnesotaNew HampshireNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOregonSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeVirginiaWashingtonWest Virginia North Carolina is often considered a difficult state in which to homeschool. It requires maintaining attendance and immunization records for each child. North Carolina also requires that children complete nationally standardized tests each year. Other moderately regulated states that require yearly standardized testing include  Maine, Florida, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. (Some of these states do offer alternative homeschooling options that may not require annual testing.) Many states offer more than one option to legally homeschool. Tennessee, for example, currently has five options, including three umbrella schools options and one for distance learning (online classes). Heather S., a homeschooling parent from Ohio, says that Ohio homeschoolers must  submit an annual letter of intent and a  summary of their intended curriculum, and  agree to complete 900 hours  of education each year. Then, at  the end of each year, families â€Å"†¦.can do state-approved testing or have a portfolio reviewed and submit the results... Children must test above the 25th percentile on standardized tests or show progression in their portfolio. Virginia homeschooling mom, Joesette, considers her state homeschooling laws reasonably easy to follow. She says parents must â€Å"†¦file a Notice of Intent each year by August 15, then supply something to show progress at the end of the year (by August 1). This can be a standardized test, scoring at least in the 4th stanine, a  [student] portfolio†¦.or an evaluation letter by an approved evaluator.† Alternately, Virginia parents can file a  Religious Exemption. States with Minimally Restrictive Homeschool Laws Sixteen U.S.  states are considered minimally restrictive. These include:   AlabamaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaDelawareGeorgiaKansasKentuckyMississippiMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew MexicoUtahWisconsinWyoming Georgia requires an annual Declaration of Intent to be filed by September 1, annually, or within 30 days of the date you initially begin homeschooling. Children must take a nationally standardized test every three years starting in 3rd grade. Parents are required to write an annual progress report for each student. Both the test  scores and progress reports  are to be kept on file but are not required to be submitted to anyone. Although Nevada is on the minimally restrictive list, Magdalena A., who homeschools her children in the state says that it is, â€Å"†¦homeschooling paradise. The law states only  one regulation: when a child turns seven...a notice of intent to homeschool should be filed. That is it, for the rest of that childs life. No portfolios. No check-ups. No testing.† California homeschooling mom, Amelia H. outlines her state’s homeschooling options. â€Å"(1) Home study option through the  school district. Material is provided and weekly or monthly check-ins are required. Some districts provide classes for home study kids and/or allow kids to take some classes on campus. (2) Charter schools. Each one is set up differently but they all cater to homeschoolers and provide funding for secular curriculum and extracurricular activities through vendor programs†¦Some require that kids meet state standards; others simply ask for signs of ‘value-added growth. Most require state testing but a handful will allow parents to generate a portfolio as a year-end assessment. (3) File as an independent school. [Parents must]  state the curriculum goals at the start of the school year†¦Getting a high school diploma through this route is tricky and many parents choose to pay someone to help with the paperwork. States with the Least Restrictive Homeschool Laws Finally,  eleven states are considered very homeschool-friendly with few restrictions on homeschooling families. These states are: AlaskaConnecticutIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaMichiganMissouriNew JerseyOklahomaTexas Texas is notoriously homeschool-friendly with a strong homeschool voice at the legislative level. Iowa homeschooling parent, Nichole D. says that her home state is just as easy. â€Å"[In Iowa], we have no regulations. No state testing, no lesson plans submitted, no attendance records, nothing. We dont even have to inform the district that were homeschooling.† Parent Bethany W.  says, â€Å"Missouri is very homeschool-friendly. No notifying districts or anyone unless your child has previously been public schooled, no testing or evaluations ever. Parents keep a log of hours (1,000 hours, 180 days), a written report of progress, and a few samples of [their students’] work.† With a few exceptions, the difficulty or ease of complying with each state’s homeschooling laws is subjective. Even in states that are considered highly regulated, homeschooling parents often state that compliance isn’t as difficult as it may appear on paper. Whether you consider your state’s homeschooling laws restrictive or lenient, it is essential to make sure you understand what is required of you to remain compliant. This article should be considered a guideline only. For specific, detailed laws for your state, please check your statewide homeschool support group’s website or Homeschool Legal Defense Association.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Argument Against the Use of Hydraulic Fracturing

An Argument Against the Use of Hydraulic Fracturing Against Hydraulic Fracturing Oil and natural gas are crucial to the twenty-first-century. They are used for fuel, tires, household appliances, and even heart valves. Without oil and natural gas, the modern way of life would be almost entirely different. However, the cost of obtaining these products using a process called hydraulic fracturing can be fatal. Hydraulic fracturing is the method by which oil natural gas is extracted from shale rock deep in the earth’s crust. Water pollution, air pollution, and climate change are three of the biggest downfalls of this extraction procedure. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a dangerous operation which negatively affects human and environmental health. Hydraulic fracturing begins with drilling 7,000 to 12,000 feet into the ground. During this step, toxic gases and respirable crystalline silica are released into the air. Crystalline silica is respirable, which means it can easily be inhaled and absorbed by the human body. A hazard warning released by OSHA in 2012 warns, â€Å"Crystalline silica, in the form of sand, can cause silicosis when inhaled by workers. Silicosis is an incurable lung disease. Some of the symptoms of silicosis include fatigue, extreme shortness of breath, cough, respiratory failure, and, in some cases, death. Despite preventative measures such as masks and protective uniforms, workers at fracking sites are commonly exposed to respirable crystalline silica. Benzene, toluene, xylene, and ethylbenzene are just a few of the deadly chemicals released into the air. A study related to the situation where workers are being exposed to crystalline silica, if they are at a drilling site it is impossible to avoid breathi ng in the chemicals. The next step is to inject millions of gallons of a toxic water-sand-chemical mixture into the ground at a very high pressure in order to break up the shale rock. After that, the water is stored in unlined pits in the ground. Sometimes it escapes the pit, contaminating clean water in the area. In December 2016, the Environmental Protection Agency, â€Å"concluded for the first time that the fracking process can contaminate drinking water. This creates a dangerous and potentially life-threatening situation for both humans and wildlife in the area. It is not only affecting above-ground reservoirs, ponds, and lakes, but it also affects groundwater. A study in Colorado found that â€Å"77 fracking wastewater spills that impacted groundwater supplies, of which 90 percent were contaminated with unsafe levels of benzene, a chemical linked to cancer. There are organizations who specialize in cleaning up contaminated sites all over the United States, but the compounds in fracking fluid diff er from site to site and aren’t commonly analyzed in commercial labs. Scientific American revealed that as a result of this, â€Å"conducting a groundwater investigation related to fracking is extremely complicated.†. The inability to analyze these compounds makes it tough for doctors to treat patients who have drank the contaminated water. Despite the fact that hydraulic fracturing has been proven to be the cause of so many health problems, the method by which fracking water has not changed. If a solution is not found before it escalates, the consequences could be devastating for not only humans but also the environment. In addition to harming human health, newer studies are finding that hydraulic fracturing also contributes to climate change. Many studies have found that â€Å"during the fracking process, small amounts of methane are released directly into the atmosphere.† To enumerate, air pollution from fracking affects more than just the nearby area. â€Å"Air pollution from hydraulic fracturing operations can likely travel hundreds of miles, even into states with little or no fracking,† one of the new studies released. This means that even if one area, a country, state, or community bans fracking, they could still be affected by fracking sites hundreds of miles away. Natural gas is believed to be cleaner and safer than previous mass-produced resources. It lessens the worlds dependence on coal, which is thought to be worse for the environment. The Smithsonian stated, â€Å"Burning natural gas, for instance, produces nearly half as much carbon dioxide per unit of energy compared with coal.† Fracking does produce less Carbon Dioxide than coal, but other, more harmful chemicals are released in the process. Natural gas appears to be the better alternative, but it usually is just as equally damaging as coal. The Guardian says, â€Å"shale gas and oil extraction were found to be easily the dominant source giving leak rates of 0.18-2.8% even before the gas was distributed to users.† The leak rate of shale gas, which contains methane, is far more detrimental than the effects of coal production and usage combined. Hydraulic fracturing, the method by which humans obtain oil and natural gas, is dangerous and destructive. Water and air pollution are two major results of fracking, which deteriorate human and environmental health. Despite the fact that fracking has been proven to be damaging to both the planet and its inhabitants, mankind will continue to do it because their dependence on natural gas is too great. As a result, nature will continue to deteriorate until an alternative which humans will utilize, is found.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Losing patient information Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Losing patient information - Assignment Example Health care organizations expose patient’s data or even it gets stolen. Such information includes lab tests results, allergies, medications and other forms of clinical information stored in computers or physical files. Many hospitals use outdated and primitive technology that does not receive security updates and this may allow hackers to access employees’ login credentials. In addition, they rarely encrypt all the data kept since even the Federal Health Records Protection law and the Health Insurance Accountability act does not demand encryption by the health care firms (Park,  2014)) Patient’s data needs to be accessed at times for doctors and other medical physicians to be able to make decisions concerning the patient and how to improve patient care. Inability to access data at the right time may delay clinical decisions and ultimately affect patient care negatively. Similarly, patients have the right to ensure that their personal health information is protected and can only be shared on certain circumstances. It is thus the responsibility of the health care centers to install control measures and practices to ensure that patient data is secure from unauthorized people. They must document the use of patient information, share with patient about security and privacy issues as well as reporting any information loss. On the other hand, patients should contact the healthcare administration immediately once they suspect that their personal data has been misused ( Loukides, 2012). The healthcare doctors and management should be at the forefront of adopting and using digital medical and electronic health information that has many benefits and help eliminate risks of losing patient data. Health policy leaders should develop standards, policies and procedures, adopt newest technologies, and educate healthcare professionals and other physicians aimed at improving healthcare through data privacy, confidentiality and protection from loss (Kloss, 2012). In recent

Court Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Court Report - Essay Example The crimes and misdemeanors which the crown court holds it session for, include murders, manslaughter, and organized terrorism. The criminal offenses dealt in the crown court are divided into three classes according to the gravity of the crime. Class I offenses usually involve crimes on a large scale such as genocide, treason, and murder, which are exclusively under the jurisdiction of a high court judge. Class II offenses include incest, rape and manslaughter and such cases are also tried by a high court judge but they may also be tried by a circuit judge occasionally. Class III offenses are not handled by a high court judge unless the presiding judge’s consent is obtained and these offenses usually entail other instances of crimes and misdemeanors. (Jason-Lloyd, 1997, 18-21)The harshest sentence handed out by the judge is a life sentence and other ways of penalizing the offender such as community service, confiscation of property, discharges, and fines. Throughout my entire time in the courtroom, there was no case pertaining to organized terrorism and most of the defendants that were produced in the court were largely males, and mainly fell in the age range of 15 and 20. (YCAP. 2010)Most of the offenders were extremely young and this observational finding is vastly in concurrence with the statistical evidence that states that around 30% of the youth are involved in such activities. Other cases presented in the court were also instances of domestic violence and conflicts. (YCAP. 2010) Most of the issues and cases arose not only because of conflicts between complete strangers but also between people who knew each other and even family members came forth with grave instances of criminal offences. In one case, a young 18 year-old man was charged with assaulting a police officer at his place of residence due to some domestic dispute that led to the clash. (Smith, 2009; Rieff, 2001, 42-47) Though, I deem myself vastly naive as during my entire time in the co urtroom I was expecting

Art Museum Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art Museum - Research Paper Example He is considered a modern artist, which means that he belongs to the era that roughly extended from the 1980’s to the 1970’s, and of a movement that is characterized by a tendency towards experimentation and abstraction (Cahoone). However, despite the undeniable fact that his work was fresh and thought provoking, he shied away from creating abstract artwork, and stuck to the classical technique of oil painting. His paintings were composed and crisp, marked with the influence of the realist painter Gustave Courbet. With superficial examination one might declare that there is nothing modern about Balthus’ work. However, there is an indisputable air of strangeness to his work. This ‘strangeness’ that strikes many as almost disturbing is felt not through the style of painting but rather it was within his depictions and subjects that he displayed his modernism. Balthus’ art is marked with his fascination for the uninnocent sexuality of adolescent girls. Most of his work feature young women in an ordinary setting, but they are shown as naked, or are shown in contorted and suggestive positions. While the artist himself insists that there is no element of sexual provocation in his work (Cahoone), it is difficult to deny the stimulating and sexual nature of most of his work. An example of this would be the oil painting ‘Guitar Lesson’ which was made in 1934. While the title brings to mind an almost domestic scene, the actual painting depicts a young woman half naked with her skirt pulled almost to her waist exposing her bare private parts while she lies across her music instructor’s lap in place of a guitar. Her music instructor, who is a middle aged woman, holds her much as she would hold a guitar, with her right hand clutching the young woman’s hair and the left hand grasping her student’s inner thigh provocatively close to her

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Eye-witness testimony Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Eye-witness testimony - Essay Example According to these researchers, other types of circumstantial evidence, such as fingerprints or DNA, are more reliable in identifying criminals. This essay argues that eyewitness identification is not only can get the murder, but also it has unreliable. The heart of the American criminal justice system is the honesty and reliability of eyewitnesses. The testimony of eyewitnesses can very much influence the decision of the judge or the members of jury. The jury tries to identify the reliability or honesty of the eyewitness secretly, without telling the basis of its final decision. Considering the weakness of the human memory, therefore, is very crucial to the criminal and legal justice system, because a lot of trials are focused on honest identifications (Wise et al. 2). Reaching a fair decision and a right identification is hard without the chance that eyewitnesses may not know wrongness in their identification or testimony. Without strong physical evidence, testimony of eyewitnesses is important every time prosecution tries to prove that the criminal and the defendant are the same. The correctness of an eyewitness testimony or identification is shaped by two types of variables, which are ‘estimator’ and ‘system’ (Cutler & Kovera 54). System variables are things that the criminal justice system can control, like directions taught to eyewitnesses before they go into a lineup. Estimator variables, on the other hand, are things that the criminal justice system cannot control and their effects can be studied. These variables could be the lightning in the place where the crime took place, how long the eyewitnesses saw the face of the criminal, and so on (Cutler & Kovera 54). But, still, eyewitnesses cannot be sure that their memory is right. Researchers say that weaknesses of the human memory negatively affect the truth of eyewitness testimony. Human memory is very hard to understand and study. Eyewitnesses can have a

Continental Philosophys Search for Balance Essay

Continental Philosophys Search for Balance - Essay Example "Such absolutizing, he charged, lent itself to generalizations of broad critical scope with respect to the idealistic procedure of hypostatizing the Idea and brought about (as allegorical derivatives from it) certain concrete political and social determinations, such as family, classes, and the state powers...In Marx's view," Hegel's dialectic "was mystifying and alienated inasmuch as Hegel did nothing but sanction, by a method inverted with respect to real relationships, the alienation of all the concrete historical and human determinations" (Rossi). Existentialism with "Soren Kierkegaard in the first half of the 19th century. He was critical of Hegel's philosophical system which analyzed Being (or existence) in an abstract and impersonal way. Kierkegaard was concerned with the individual's subjective experience of what it is to exist as a human being. For Kierkegaard the individual constantly has to choose what s/he is to become without recourse to the findings of science and philosophy" (Jones). Existentialism would eventually come to its most potent expression in the writings of the Frenchman Jean-Paul Sartre.... ..Politically Sartre claimed he was a Marxist and thought that freedom had both political and individual dimensions." Sartre, who in contrast to Kierkegaard was an atheist, coined the Existentialist credo, "Existence precedes essence". "What Sartre meant by the phrase 'existence precedes essence' is this: If there is no cosmic designer, then there is no design or essence of human nature. Human existence or being differs from the being of objects in that human being is self-conscious. This self-consciousness also gives the human subject the opportunity to define itself. The individual creates [oneself] by making self-directed choices" (Jones). There remained echoes of Hegel to be heard within Sartre. "The first Sartrean thought which has been derived from Hegel is the view that if there is to be any Truth in man's understanding of himself, it must be a Truth which becomes. Truth is thus something which emerges." With this assertion we hear "an obvious trace both of Hegelian dialectics and the Marxist tenet of the knowability of man. The second thing in Sartre which can be traced back to Hegel is the claim that what Truth must become is a totalization. We find in Hegelian dialectics that the synthesis is a totalization of the truth found in both the thesis and the antithesis. In the same manner, we find in Sartre asserting that the Truth in man is a Truth not just about his existence but also about the situations surrounding his existence" (Decino). Twenty-first Century Continental philosophy has come to be "preoccupied with two alternative formulations" that seem to transmute the Hegelian dialectic: desire given kinetic energy as jouissance and desire given kinetic energy as power. "These two views oppose and complement each other. They form a frame within which

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Art Museum Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art Museum - Research Paper Example He is considered a modern artist, which means that he belongs to the era that roughly extended from the 1980’s to the 1970’s, and of a movement that is characterized by a tendency towards experimentation and abstraction (Cahoone). However, despite the undeniable fact that his work was fresh and thought provoking, he shied away from creating abstract artwork, and stuck to the classical technique of oil painting. His paintings were composed and crisp, marked with the influence of the realist painter Gustave Courbet. With superficial examination one might declare that there is nothing modern about Balthus’ work. However, there is an indisputable air of strangeness to his work. This ‘strangeness’ that strikes many as almost disturbing is felt not through the style of painting but rather it was within his depictions and subjects that he displayed his modernism. Balthus’ art is marked with his fascination for the uninnocent sexuality of adolescent girls. Most of his work feature young women in an ordinary setting, but they are shown as naked, or are shown in contorted and suggestive positions. While the artist himself insists that there is no element of sexual provocation in his work (Cahoone), it is difficult to deny the stimulating and sexual nature of most of his work. An example of this would be the oil painting ‘Guitar Lesson’ which was made in 1934. While the title brings to mind an almost domestic scene, the actual painting depicts a young woman half naked with her skirt pulled almost to her waist exposing her bare private parts while she lies across her music instructor’s lap in place of a guitar. Her music instructor, who is a middle aged woman, holds her much as she would hold a guitar, with her right hand clutching the young woman’s hair and the left hand grasping her student’s inner thigh provocatively close to her

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Continental Philosophys Search for Balance Essay

Continental Philosophys Search for Balance - Essay Example "Such absolutizing, he charged, lent itself to generalizations of broad critical scope with respect to the idealistic procedure of hypostatizing the Idea and brought about (as allegorical derivatives from it) certain concrete political and social determinations, such as family, classes, and the state powers...In Marx's view," Hegel's dialectic "was mystifying and alienated inasmuch as Hegel did nothing but sanction, by a method inverted with respect to real relationships, the alienation of all the concrete historical and human determinations" (Rossi). Existentialism with "Soren Kierkegaard in the first half of the 19th century. He was critical of Hegel's philosophical system which analyzed Being (or existence) in an abstract and impersonal way. Kierkegaard was concerned with the individual's subjective experience of what it is to exist as a human being. For Kierkegaard the individual constantly has to choose what s/he is to become without recourse to the findings of science and philosophy" (Jones). Existentialism would eventually come to its most potent expression in the writings of the Frenchman Jean-Paul Sartre.... ..Politically Sartre claimed he was a Marxist and thought that freedom had both political and individual dimensions." Sartre, who in contrast to Kierkegaard was an atheist, coined the Existentialist credo, "Existence precedes essence". "What Sartre meant by the phrase 'existence precedes essence' is this: If there is no cosmic designer, then there is no design or essence of human nature. Human existence or being differs from the being of objects in that human being is self-conscious. This self-consciousness also gives the human subject the opportunity to define itself. The individual creates [oneself] by making self-directed choices" (Jones). There remained echoes of Hegel to be heard within Sartre. "The first Sartrean thought which has been derived from Hegel is the view that if there is to be any Truth in man's understanding of himself, it must be a Truth which becomes. Truth is thus something which emerges." With this assertion we hear "an obvious trace both of Hegelian dialectics and the Marxist tenet of the knowability of man. The second thing in Sartre which can be traced back to Hegel is the claim that what Truth must become is a totalization. We find in Hegelian dialectics that the synthesis is a totalization of the truth found in both the thesis and the antithesis. In the same manner, we find in Sartre asserting that the Truth in man is a Truth not just about his existence but also about the situations surrounding his existence" (Decino). Twenty-first Century Continental philosophy has come to be "preoccupied with two alternative formulations" that seem to transmute the Hegelian dialectic: desire given kinetic energy as jouissance and desire given kinetic energy as power. "These two views oppose and complement each other. They form a frame within which

Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart Essay Example for Free

Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart Essay He had a slight stammer and had no patience with unsuccessful men. Okonkwo’s fears were becoming like his father, Unoka because his father was a failure. The characteristics of his father was his father was poor and his wife and children had barely enough to eat and people laughed at him because he was a loafer and they swore never to lend him money again because he never paid it back. Unoka was inactive, deprived, wasteful, weak, moderate, and always very fascinated in music and conversation. Okonkwo on the other hand was the total opposite of his father, he just married his third wife, he was a wealthy farmer and had two barns full of yams last but not least he had taken two titles and had shown incredible prowess in two inter-tribal wars. 2. Kola is a stimulant, comparable to very strong tea or coffee, which is served on most social occasions in this culture. It is also one ingredient after which Coca Cola is named. Note how the ritual for sharing kola is described without being explained. Why do you think Achebe does this? He will continue to introduce Ibo customs in this fashion throughout the novel. * Achebe describes kola without explaining it because he wants the reader to know that Kola nuts plays a big part in the African culture due to the fact that in the book it states â€Å"He who bring Kola Nuts brings life†. Kola Nuts is to be presented to the titled man or a village head. This plays a very important social and ritual role in the Igbo culture. The kola-nuts are the highest symbol of Igbo hospitality. Whenever a kola-nut appears in a gathering, the matter to be discussed at that particular time is regarded as very important. When an important guest visits the community, kola-nuts are brought out and handed to the elder person. 3. One becomes influential in this culture by earning titles. As with the Potlatch Indians of our region and many other peoples, this is an expensive proposition which involves the dispersing most of ones painfully accumulated wealth. What do you think are the social functions of such a system? I believe the social functions of such a system is to show your people how far you have come as a person and how successful you are. So the more money that you spend it shows people how victorious you are. If you just have a regular old party without putting much money into it you aren’t that successful in other people’s eyes. 4. One of the most famous lines in the novel is proverbs are the palm-oil with which words are eaten. What does this mean? Palm oil is a rich yellow oil pressed from the fruit of certain palm trees and used both for fuel and cooking. Look for other proverbs as you read. Cowry shells threaded on strings were traditionally used as a means of exchange by many African cultures. The villages distance from the sea makes them sufficiently rare to serve as money. Cowries from as far away as Southeast Asia have been found in sub-Saharan Africa. * This important quote shows how the Igbo people use their art of rhetoric so plainly. The quote shows how our lifestyle is one of fast-paced conversations, yet the Igbo prize conversation as an art form. That art form shows how the Igbo people use rhetoric so plainly. We all know proverbs are meant to be well thought-out and intentional but not quickly digested and forgotten. In the quote the metaphor suggests that words are organized by proverbs for digestion. Palm oil was a common form of cooking oil, and many foods were prepared with it for use. For that reason, proverbs are the source by which words or conversations are made. The same value that they place on food, the nourishment of life, to words, the sustenance of communication and for these reasons the community.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Impact Of Assessment For Learning

Impact Of Assessment For Learning This paper considers the impact of Assessment for Learning on childrens progress in a particular strand of the Primary Maths Curriculum. It does so firstly through a review of the relevant literature, and then employs some empirical examples to illustrate how the cycle had helped to secure learning points in a particular context. The specific strand under consideration is the solving of multi-step problems, and problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages; choose and use appropriate calculation strategies at each stage, including calculator use. (DCFS 2009). Literature Review Changes in the professional framework for the teaching and assessment of Primary maths have been reflected in a constantly expanding literature. This is now so expansive, that it can only really be reviewed here through some representative examples. There are two principal sub-genres which feature here: specifically, these are official publications, and range of commercially produced texts which may be characterised as critical, professional, or vocational self-help literature. It is also the case that some generic texts on the subject of Primary Assessment for Learning may be pertinent here, although they do not relate specifically to mathematics. The official literature emphasises the holistic nature of assessment by asserting that assessment of childrens achievements and progress should be based on the expected learning outcomes identified through the learning objectives. In mathematics, assessing childrens progress in a core strand of learning should be informed by the objectives in the strand. (DCFS 2009). The fruition of this process may be visualized in the motivation and empowerment of the learners themselves, supported by Constructive feedback that identifies how childrens work and responses have led to success this, it advises, should provide a shared understanding of the achievements on which to build to make further progress. It helps children to see how the next steps take account of this success and are attainable. (DCFS 2009). There is a sense in which this acknowledges that Assessment for Learning has an importance, over and above what is revealed in outcome-based results, i.e. those from standardised tests. In other words, the latter no longer implies that it can stand as proxy for other kinds of learning. (Campbell et al. 2004: p.119) The commercially published literature is constantly being updated by texts which engage with official policy and curriculum changes, interpreting them for practitioners and parents. However, the majority of these, although they make some reference to assessment, do not do so in the terms now prescribed by the DCFS, i.e., day-to-day and periodic assessment. This is possibly because these models have only been operating in the official discourse for a relatively short period. Overall, this genre may itself be split into sub-groups, the most significant of which are the reflective or critical genre, and the vocational or self-help group. One of the most prolific authorities within this group is Sharon Clarke, whose Targeting Assessment in the Primary Classroom: Strategies for Planning, Assessment, Pupil Feedback and Target Setting (1998), Unlocking Formative Assessment: Practical Strategies for Enhancing Pupils Learning in the Primary Classroom, (2001), and Active Learning Through Forma tive Assessment (2008) straddle successive developments in the teaching and assessment of Primary mathematics. Also helpful in these areas is Hansens Primary Mathematics: Extending Knowledge in Practice (Achieving QTS Extending Knowledge in Practice) (2008), and David Clarkes Constructive Assessment in Mathematics: Practical Steps for Classroom Teachers (Key Resources in Professional Development), (1999). As Shirley Clarke indicates, the sharing of a learning intention is more complex than simply repeating what is in the teachers plan. In order for the learning intention to be shared effectively, it needs to be clear and unambiguous, so that the teacher can explain it in a way which makes sense. (2001: p.20) This may be taken as supportive of the official position: it endorses the idea that planning should draw not only on the learning outcome, but also on the prior knowledge of the students in question. If they are expected to objectively assess their own progress, they must understand the frame of reference, and be able to envisage the learning outcome, even if they havent yet attained it. This idea is also implicit in the ideas of David Clarke: as he points out, earlier approaches to assessment focussed on à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦measuring the extent to which students possess a set of tools andà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the extent to which they can apply them. However, he further indicates that à ¢Ã¢â €š ¬Ã‚ ¦to be mathematically equipped, a student must also understand the nature of mathematical tools and be able to select the correct tool for a given problem-solving situation. (1999: p.11) This perspective is also endorsed in the reflections of Hansen, who argues that, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦it is possible to help children to learn mathematical content through effectively integrating problem-solving, reasoning and communication into mathematics lessons. (Hansen 2008: p.5) Texts such as Gardners edited collection, , Assessment and Learning, (2006), Gipps and Murphys A Fair Test? Assessment, Achievement and Equity, (1994), and Tabers Classroom-based research and evidence-based practice, (2007), go some way to bridging the gap between the official and the educational literature, specifically by looking at how policy and curriculum matters are linked by research and ideology. These are, however, not specifically devoted to Primary mathematics, and neither are they wholly accepting of the orthodoxies which pervade the official literature. Gipps and Murphy make the point that evaluating assessment is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦not just a question of looking at the equity in the context of assessment but also within the curriculum, as the two are intimately related. (1994: p.3) As Taber points out, practitioners are at the end of a very long and often remote supply chain when it comes to weighing the evidence on what is best practice. As they put it, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦teac hers are told what research has found out during their initial training, and are updatedà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦through courses and staff development days, but largely through centralised official guidance. (2007: p.4) This is reinforced by commentators such as Rist, who argues that, We are well past the time when it is possible to argue that good research will, because it is good, influence the policy process. (2002: p.1002). These are academic but not unimportant points in terms of the overall discussion, even if they are not particularly prominent in the day to day responsibilities of the class teacher. The point is that, as reflective practitioners, we might all benefit from some awareness of what shapes the frameworks which inform our approach to teaching and learning. With regard to the current Assessment for Learning conventions, the ideas in Assessment for Learning, Beyond the black box (Assessment Reform Group, 1999), are acknowledged by the QCA to have been constructive of the whole approach. (QCA 2003: p.1). As the latter state, The study posed three questions: is there evidence that improving formative assessment raises standards?; is there evidence that there is room for improvement in the practice of assessment?; and is there evidence about how to improve formative assessment? This research evidence pointed to an unqualified yes as the answer to each of these questions. (QCA 2003: p.1). These are important points, as the teaching, learning and assessment frameworks which define contemporary practice are profoundly adaptive of them. Discussion/Example from Experience. A strand of the Primary curriculum where day to day and periodic assessment was found to be particularly important in the overall Assessment for Learning approach, was securing number facts, relationships and calculating. The examples used here are from Year 6 block E, especially Ma2, Written and calculator methods, and Ma2, solving numerical problems from Unit One, and focused on dealing with errors and misconceptions. One context where assessment was found to be particularly relevant was in dealing with upper school (i.e. Years 4, 5 and 6) learning of multiplication and division. The assessment process had to be multi-faceted, taking in all of the associated knowledge and skills, the errors and misconceptions which arose, and the modelling of questions to identify the origin of such problems. This may be illustrated by focusing on one example, taken from Year 6 Key Objective 2, Multiplying and dividing by powers of ten and the associative law, where commonly, the unprepared or conf used learner à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Misuses half understood rules about multiplying and dividing by powers of ten and the associative lawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (2009). The important thing about multiplication and division through successive addition or subtraction respectively, is that, once mastered, they can demonstrate to learners that the application of basic skills will enable them to break down seemingly complex problems into a manageable format. Multiplying or dividing a three digit number by a two digit number depends on the use of a number of skills: knowledge of number facts, i.e. times tables, place value, to quickly assess the viability of an answer, and organisational skills, i.e. being able to apply the correct steps in the appropriate order. It may also be useful to augment these with calculator use, in order to verify answers. The important point here is that day to day and periodic assessment and reflective feedback from the learners themselves was indispensable in the planning, pitching and delivery of this input. The interdependence of each step in these calculations meant that the failure to execute one step, often resulted in the failure to complete the overall objective. For example, if times tables and multiplication by 10 and 100 were not securely in place, the learner would get bogged down in the arithmetic. Conversely, the securing of one of the incremental skills involved in these calculations was a positive factor in the learners overall approach: i.e., if they knew their times tables facts, place value, or multiplication by 10 and 100 were in place, it gave them a starting point from which to analyse errors or problems. For some learners, this had the generic effect of making them realise that their long-term work in achieving these positions of strength had a positive outcome, rather than b eing an abstract, stand-alone process. This in turn made them more interested in acquiring other general mathematics skills. Looking beyond specific mathematics skills, this may also have the propensity to develop the students own capacities for self-realisation and self-motivation. As the QCA points out, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦In many classrooms, pupils do not perceive the structure of the learning aims that give meaning to their work. Therefore they are unable to assess their own progress. (QCA 2003: p.3) Achievement in a multi-step process such as long multiplication or division might therefore enable them to map out where they are within the overall standards. However, it was only through a combination of day to day and periodic assessment that the practitioner could be confident of planning effectively with regard to these tasks. There was no point in assembling sessions which relied on a range of skills when they were not secure, either in individual learners, or sufficiently across the cohort as a whole. In mixed ability groups, this approach was obviously the key the necessary differentiation. The logical corollary to this is that discursive feedback from the learners themselves was also important in defining the next stage of planning, i.e. what worked, what didnt, who tried which method, were there any preferences etc. The appeal of this activity also lays in its fine balance of mental and pencil and paper methods, and the way in which estimation is the necessary accompaniment to concrete calculation. Overall, these experiences may be deemed supportive of the proposals of commentators such as Clarke and Hansen, (see above) in that th ey emphasize the need for the continuous reinforcement of planning with assessment. Summary, Analysis and Reflection: Implications for Future Teaching. In summary, the conclusion of this paper is that both the literature and practical experience discussed here are mutually supportive of the need for complimentary assessment and planning. Outcome orientated results can illustrate individual and whole school performance in certain contexts, but practitioners need to be aware of assessment in a holistic way, as a daily part of their approach to teaching and learning. As the QCA expresses it, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Teachers are experiencing an increased sense that pupils are working with them rather than for them. For example, pupils are asking for more questions or examples to practice applying their understanding of a topic or to repeat homework or tests if they have not met the standard and the objectives that they and the teacher have set. (QCA 2009: p.48). Whilst this dynamic sounds very positive, practitioners have new and different responsibilities within it. In terms of assessment, these can be itemised in the following waysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã ‚ ¦ Day to day: within this level of assessment, specific learning objectives should explicitly communicated, and augmented with both peer and self assessment as appropriate. Periodic: ideally, this should assemble a broader overview of progress across the subject for both learner and teacher. It is also an opportunity to interweave the national standards in a sensitive way with classroom practice. The practitioner can use the insights gained from this process to inform both long and medium term planning. Overall, it should be recognised that the ideal situation, i.e. of self-motivated, self-actuating learners, involved in their own self-assessment, is unlikely just to happen. Considered superficially, it might seem that the practitioners role in assessment has lessened, whilst the remainder has been taken up by the learners themselves. The reality is rather different: pupils will only become adequate and effective assessors of their own progress if they are provided with the appropriate support and guidance. In a sense, this facilitating role is a much more challenging and subtle one than that implied in a more top-down, didactic model. Also, there are obvious problems in considering the learner as a passive or generalised aspect of this approach: it is much more likely that there is a staggered and variegated uptake of the model, as different learners are engaged at their own pace and level. This in turn indicates that, as with all aspects of the curriculum, the social and emotional aspects of learning should be taken into consideration.